KISS #112 ~` Taking A Trip With My Backpack

Seeing this week's prompt reminded me of an experience some years back. Back then in school, my coursemates and I were to attend a 4-day workshop organized for by the department. It was to take place in another state and I was very excited because it would not only be for educational purposes but we could have loads of fun as well.

I started preparing for my travel and one thing I am usually accustomed to was the use of a backpack as I somewhat dislike having two bags in my hands, It makes me uncomfortable or makes it look like I just have a lot to carry, which is why I love everything to be in one place, preferably a backpack.


Now to replay the preparation for that trip one more time, what are the items I would need in my backpack to help me live through those days?


Of course, that's the obvious one. Back then, I thought of taking just two clothes, and washing them so I could wear them again for the remaining days but then I didn't know how the setting would be in terms of whether I would be able to do so and since it was a 4-day workshop, I decided to take clothes that wouldn't occupy space. I took two gowns, a shirt and pants. I also took my towel, my nighties and of course lingeries.



I think this is very important for everyone. My toiletries include a toothbrush, toothpaste, hair comb, hair cream, body cream, Face powder, lip gloss, and Sanitary pads(though I felt I wouldn't be needing that then it's better safe than sorry).


I took my socks that I would wear in the room and my multi-purpose flip-flops. Of course, the shoe I would be putting on would get me through the days so I could just take one more.


Of course, we were told food would always be available but I always like having something to snack on. I went with my bottled groundnut and other few snacks and sweets(which I would probably share with my friends anyway).


I went with two containers, one is my water container and the other is for coffee. With my instant coffee pack also making my backpack items, I figured I could always find a way to boil water or get boiled water to make my coffee. If I can't then I might have to go in search of a coffee shop 😃😃😃. With all these packed, I think I am ready to go.


I wouldn't want to be bored out of my mind so I would just take a book or two, and get more from e-books on my phone.

Device Accessories

This includes my phone charger, power bank, and headphones. Wherever I am, I can always listen to music, watch movies, and many more.


To answer the question posed, I can't answer whether I can live out of my backpack for a year, I think I would rather take it about a month at a time and see how it goes.

All Images used are mine.

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