Living with less is living with more

Living with less is living with more

A little over five years ago, my partner and I decided to remove all those things that had no purpose in our space. I think we got rid of about 60% of everything we had and we realized that the less things because we had more time, more energy, less stress and more money.

This helped us to get out of these habits that we had of buying things that we didn't really need, now we travel more and well, we enjoy life more, and in this publication I would like to share with you several habits that we have also learned throughout this time to keep our space free of clutter and that perhaps in this way you too will be inspired to stop buying unnecessary things and to have a more organized space and as I said before to have more time, more money and more freedom.

I love the theme of minimalism and the first habit that I would like to suggest is that any activity that involves cleaning your house or putting away something that lasts less than a minute, that you do it, why if we leave this type of task that accumulates? there will come a point where a lot of disorder will be made in our space.

For example, if you leave a jar outside, it takes less than a minute to put it away, so I put it away. Leaving things out of their usual place is like an invitation for more things to accumulate, it is better to take a few seconds as is and put that away rather than is getting in the way

We tend to procrastinate and leave these small tasks in our day to day to accumulate and that is because after several hours our home will look completely messy and it will be a nightmare to clean, so if a task lasts less than a minute do it at that time and you will see that you will always have a tidy space.

As for your room, the first thing is to take care of the bed, because an unattended bed looks messy and disorder attracts more disorder, if the bed is not fixed, it will be easier for us to leave the wet towel there or to let's leave the dirty clothes on the floor and don't care, there are also many benefits that making our bed in the morning has, for example, having a sense of purpose during the day and at least if we don't do anything else during the day At least one day we already reached something, we concluded something, which was having our bed and that is going to help us start our day in a better way.

If you have a space that is already full of things that when you open it, papers come out of the drawer or you can no longer store your clothes because your closet is overflowing, that as a sign that perhaps you have more than you need, it is very easy to purify these spaces.

You have to develop a certain awareness not to continue buying for the sake of buying and so that this accumulation does not become a vicious circle.

The next habit is to put everything in its place, everything we have in our space must have a specific function and just as each object has a function, it must also have a specific place in our home, what do I mean by This, for example, I know that my bag goes in the closet, so when I get home from the street, instead of leaving the bag on the table, go directly to the bedroom and put it where it belongs.

If you have things in your space that do not have a specific home within your home, most likely you have extra objects in your house, so analyze each of these things that are in your space and see if they really are or not.

Having an organized home is not a big deal, I know that sometimes it is easy to blame the situation or other people, not because we share the space with them, but I think that if we all understand that not having space in our space has a lot to do with our level of consciousness and our consumption habits then we will be able to consume less, breaking this vicious circle.

And if we change our habits, both at home and when shopping, it will be easier for us to find this peace, this stability, this extra income that I was telling you about, and more time so that we can enjoy our lives more.

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I hope you enjoyed my content. If you have any questions, concerns, concerns or suggestions let me know in the comments section.

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May it be very good!

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