
Fraternal greetings to the minimalist community... Best wishes for the year 2022. This minimalistic-lifestyle-choices-a-posting-contest is my contribution to raise awareness of minimalism and my opportunity to tell you, the facilities that can be presented by choosing the simple.I consider minimalism as the preservation of the essential, it is gaining a lot of space in areas of life.

In this culture in which the possession of things, perhaps because of consumerism, perhaps to pay attention to the public image, perhaps to show; has marked us accumulate objects, ways to manage and expenses; this of preserving the essential has revealed the way of being and the sense that many give to life, this movement is a relief, an encouragement.

I believe that the most transcendental thing is the fact that far from being precarious, it is to integrate living in the simple, the easy, the easy and to rescue the order as part of the daily life, as part of our natural cycles.
This minimalism can cover so much that goes from spaces, ways to get rid of the material, giving way to economy, cost reduction, simplicity in deliveries to be understood and explained.



Here I could stay and tell you how existentially this was something significant for me. I will comment on how downsizing has impacted my business. I have a space in a mountainous area in Venezuela, which has an annex which I offer for lodging and many relate it to a cabin until they arrive at the place and realize that it is a unique space in the area, very comfortable, discreet and homey.
It happens to be an area of 72 square meters where I have managed to place all those things that have been given to me and that I have gathered in my house to offer it as a tourist alternative. The space is open and has sleeping, eating, bar area, meditation and living.

Then, it turns out that a week ago my neighbor offered me the opportunity to do the same with 2 of his apartments to expand the offer and to be able to host more people. The apartments have 1 double bed and 2 mattresses (on the floor), my concerned neighbor tells me that I should buy beds to be able to offer the space. My answer was no ... Because there are ways to make generous spaces with what you have, it is also a way to start, I repeat with what you have.

And since we are starting a business, it is advisable to make economic and small tests. My proposal was to place all the things that can make the space cozy, preserving what was in there and what we might have to do is to place cushions, bedspreads, carpets, mosquito nets and let the white color on the walls allow us that amplitude, cleanliness and order to the space.



This proposal reminded me of my dream project when I came to this place, it is to make each house in this area a small inn. This would have differentiating elements that would make the area attractive, because it would mean a community movement in which we would benefit and organize ourselves by promoting culture, organizing our homes and leaving a space to host people.

Impacting on tourism in the country and generating income by promoting minimalist culture, valuing what we have and giving use to the simple, to look at opportunities and possibilities, in addition to stripping us of the unnecessary with consciousness, projecting the lives of the inhabitants of this community with purposeful business. I continue with that intention, I hope to soon tell you how we have been growing.

This post I consider captures the meaning and how I apply it in my life, aiming to answer the contest theme options for this community. Thank you for doing that, it made me find the magnanimous sense that the proposal can have.
I want to invite @mosa71 and @yadimelgar to participate in the contest.

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  • Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  • All photos are from my personal album and my exclusive property.
  • Banners y separadores diseñados en Canva con los elementos - Banners and dividers designed in Canva with the elements available in its free version.

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