Recently switched on the autopilot lifestyle mode

It's a great privilege to meet everyone in this great community, it's my first time here, and this week's prompt got to me. I am always cautious not to live an autopilot lifestyle where my mind will be in charge without me taking full control of the activities I'm involved in but recently I let my guard loose. I was thinking if I needed those things I acquired without thinking twice but I got it anyway.

I am not a heavy dresser, I love simplicity to the core, and I love being in vogue but not too excessively. This has helped me live a spontaneous lifestyle since I turned adult which I enjoyed because it helped my savings. Recently, I was going through some WhatsApp statuses on my phone and I saw a vendor who displaced beautiful ladies' wear. My fashion life has been boring for a while because I refused to get new clothes for myself even though I needed them but I do see it as a want, not a need.

Spending on just wear seems not frugal enough to me when there are other things I could do with the money rather than go shopping for fancy dresses. But as a lady, I understand that one needs to dress beautifully and moderately yet I see no reason to change my wardrobe. I guess my spontaneous mind was in charge then. Immediately I saw the beautiful dresses displayed on the vendor's status, I reached out to her without thinking twice.

I picked different designs of crop tops, baggy jeans, pencil jeans, and shirts all going to about $20 that's #20,000 with the recent exchange rate. I had some spare money which on a normal day my spontaneous mind would have told me how to spend consciously.

Not even a second thought, autopilot lifestyle mode was switched on, I deposited half of the payment which is $10 then awaiting my delivery till I balance up. Mesmerizing by the delivery of my orders, it was like an achievement, I don't know how I got to that autopilot mode.

I got my orders, paid the balance and I felt like was I the buyer of this at this present time? My friend was laughing hysterically because I didn't take heed of her advice when I was placing the orders. I was supposed to be back to being spontaneous right? But no I still got my eyes on some other unnecessary things at this moment.

I am a preacher of natural beauty but suddenly I felt the urge to get myself makeup kits that I don't need. I escorted my friend to a mall to get her toiletries and my eyes gazed straight at their makeup section. I went there to check their items out with no mind of buying anything but I eventually ended up buying powder, foundation, lipsticks, and many more things I didn't plan for.

A spontaneous lifestyle saves one from unnecessary spending and teaches a frugal way of living. I prefer a spontaneous lifestyle to a life on autopilot.

Thanks for your time on my blog and your comments will be appreciated.

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