Happy (will try my best to make it!) New Year!!

When someone asks me how was my last year, it gives me an uncanny vibe. Yet it will be memorable with some mixed-filled memories for sure. I made some new friends, lost some old ones, joined this hive, had an amazing tour, went head over heels, also crushed like a popped balloon, and lastly, learned a lot of things about life.

Now whatever awful things happened around me in the last year, I don't want those things to take away the inner spirit of mine (unfortunately I was losing that). Though still I got haunted by some past events, failed to escape those traumas with the things I love to do, struggled to enjoy any full fun party, and couldn't respond when someone asked what was wrong with me. Being a cheerful extrovert person, it's getting hard to stash my feelings within my mental cage and can't tell when I can be back on my track.


But as the new year comes, it arrives with new spirits and some resolutions which we find difficult to maintain. But I think I'm going to use my power of aspiration as a sword of motivation to slay my mental blockage. And to make that happen, I'm planning to follow some of my self-made strategies step by step.

To restrain myself, I'm going to start with the things I love to do. Painting is the most powerful healing process for me but now, only by seeing the layer of dust on my colours, one can easily guess how long I'm keeping myself away from them. So with a little push, I think I can back to my old form.

Being regular with my blogspot is another point on my resolution. Actually, I spend way more time making a post perfect and when it starts to take so long, I lose my interest and start procrastinating. So proper brainstorming, working with my writing ornaments (literary device) and a systematic writing style might help me to lessen my writing time.

And to improve my writing, spending more time with books is going to be added to my to-do list too. Every time I look at my bookshelf, it feels like a cold stare is coming towards me from the countless unread books from the last year. So to avoid their judgemental look, a routined reading time is needed to set.

But above all, I need to get serious on my self-development. I have plenty of work in my hand and don't have that much time to take it slow and progress tentatively. Coping with the mental and social pressure and investing full devotion is one of the main struggles I'm facing now. Probably a strong mental power can make that happen!

And talking to that, dealing with my mental well-being also should be one of the prime concerns. So will try to invest some time in mind control. I've some interesting books regarding this issue and let's see how much progress that makes.

But to keep in pace with all these, here are some strategies that I'll follow. Otherwise, I might not keep myself with this routine for more than one month!

  • Being realistic: when I'm making my road map for this year, everything I'm adding is within my reach. I'm not going to dream of anything too big which will be impossible to achieve and take me down to my depression phase again.
  • Being specific: Rather than saying I'll focus on my career or deal with mental health, I'm pointing out, getting specific with the issues and sorting out how to overcome the problems. I've started noting down all the issues in my journal and making specific points under each of the problems on how to solve those out.
  • Detaching from social media dope: For the last couple of weeks, I'm mostly procrastinating on social media and can't get rid of the feeling of guilt. Fixing the time tracker on my social media apps might be a solution for that. And if I can come out from this dope, it'll help to bring some mental peace for sure!
  • Tracking down my success and Celebrating milestone: The main problem we face mostly is keeping up with the resolution. So I'm not going to take all the challenges at once. Rather than taking all the burden on my shoulder, I'll distribute little tasks for each month, and make a committed daily routine. Every night, when it is bedtime, I'll ask myself to what extent I came to fulfil my targets for that day and probably that will be the best way to stimulate myself for being dynamic.

So with these strategies, I think I can hold myself tight on the path. I'm hopeful enough to bring back my older self with these boosting powers. Let's see to what extent I can make it happen!

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