Transforming trust 💫


Confidence is one of those important things in life. So important that I believe it is one of those states that as human beings makes us feel safe at all levels (emotional, mental and physical).

Trusting someone takes time. For example, in my case, in order to have the friends that I have now and that I consider very special, it has taken that, a few confidences, considerations and forgiveness.

In the case of the trust that is felt with the family, sometimes it can be different. As we see each other all the time, as we talk all the time or as we grew up together, trust is something that becomes almost innate in one. It's like it's taken for granted that we can do things or not do things and it doesn't matter as much because we're family.


You know, to the point, and if you have siblings you'll know this is the case, they take your stuff without asking your permission even if it makes you mad, they take the last sip of juice you left in the fridge or wear your favorite flannel 😂

It is very funny how these things used to happen in the family and you would get angry, but now you remember it fondly and as part of living together as siblings, for example.

I recently had something happen with my brother that made me rethink this whole trust thing and the way I live my minimalist lifestyle.


At my mom's house I did a deep cleaning and like the throw away queen that I am I threw out a lot of stuff. My brother disagreed. Although we didn't fight, I admit that for a moment I imposed my point of view (which I thought was the best at the time). As the hours passed I reflected and realized that I had overlooked his feelings and thoughts. Then I apologized to him.

That day I understood what has been one of the great lessons my minimalist lifestyle has taught me. If living simply, with less stuff, without being consumerist and with an uncluttered mind brings me peace, calm and security, it is from that calm that I can see and understand that my family has no obligation to think and live as I do.

It is from the security that I want to show with my example (in my life and with my things) that each person can feel guardian of their convictions, without me coming to want to demolish their foundations.


Living with less and without a consumerist style has been one of the best things that could have happened to me? Of course! But it is thanks to the peace and freedom I feel for this that from there I want to find harmony between what I am and what others want to be, without sacrificing so much the conciliation that we as a family want.

In the end I remember that words move, but example drags, that respect and love are more important than wanting to be right and that recognizing my mistakes can increase my self-confidence and the confidence that others have in me.

Yes, I still have some things to understand about what it means to lead this lifestyle, but without a doubt this is the one that is transforming me. 💜

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Text of my authorship. The photos are my own, taken with my phone Realme 7. Edited with my phone's editor. Text translated using

Splitter created by me in GIMP 💟

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