A new pencil holder and some sentiments ❤️


Getting married was one of the most beautiful illusions I have ever lived 🥰 After our marriage, my husband and I went (like all newlyweds 😅) to a big store in town where they sold things for the home.

I remember that there were two very long aisles and the shelves were no more than five feet high, so it was easy to grab things from either aisle without much effort. I also remember that anyone could go there to find household utensils, since there was everything from cutlery, glasses and plates, to pasta strainers, storage containers and pots and pans of almost any size.


For a long time that place was a reference in the city where I lived because they sold almost everything, since you could also get school supplies, cleaning supplies and many other things.

In that place my husband and I bought several basic items to start our life together ❤️ One of the things we chose was three multicolored ceramic jars with this rounded shape. You know, the kind for salt, sugar and coffee.


From the moment I saw them I fell in love with them, because they were simple and beautifully colored at the same time 😻 There were containers of other shapes and sizes and with fruit designs, for example, but the one I really liked was this one. Years later a friend told me that they looked like me. This phrase in my country means that you can tell that you chose that thing, it has your style printed on it, so to speak.


After some time and with the several moves we have had, they were breaking one by one. I had the intention of repairing them, putting some glue on them and giving them more life, but I didn't want to do it, as I felt it would go against my minimalist approach. Why? I think when you repair something it's not just repairing for the sake of repairing following a feeling of nostalgia or not wanting to let go. The goal is that, even repaired, the object looks beautiful. And my repaired containers would have looked like Frankenstein 😂


Of those three containers, only one remained. So, since it wasn't broken or anything, I thought about what I could reuse it for: a pencil holder! That way it wouldn't break quickly, I would have a place to put my pencils and I could keep that beautiful container that I like so much and that brings back so many nice memories.


These days I decided to take out the things that are in it, wash it, dry it, throw away some of the junk I had, sharpen my pencils and put back in there only the pencils I use, my scissors and my measuring ruler. Don't you think it's a nice pencil holder?


And you, do you keep any objects that you have been able to reuse and at the same time keep your minimalist principles? 💜

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Did you know that The MINIMALIST community will have a wonderful initiative every week? 🤗 I invite you to see what it is about in this post. There you will also see their new rules within the community. In addition, they have some very good news for us. You can find them in the pinned posts at the top of the feed.

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Text of my authorship. The photos are my own, taken with my phone Realme 7. Edited with my phone's editor. Text translated using DeepL.com

Splitter created by me in GIMP 💟

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