Peace is the best of colors

Hello dear minimalist friends, it is a pleasure for me to write again for this community and much more for participating in the #kiss of the week initiative. This time I want to talk to you about the colors I prefer to paint the walls.

We all know that pastel or light colors provide peace in our home, in fact my favorite color is white to paint my home, I feel it is the most beautiful color and reflects the purity and peace of the house. My husband likes gray a lot but for me the best choice has always been white.


You probably think that my whole house is painted white because of the way I talk about this beautiful color, well, I'm sorry to say that I don't, of course I would like to have my house painted like this. But I live in a country where sometimes we barely have enough money for basic necessities such as food, clothes and utilities, painting your home is a luxury. In fact I haven't painted my house for more than 6 years, it's the time when the economic crisis started in our country and when I did paint I did it with colors that were on sale at the time. Of course, I tried to choose the lightest colors possible at least the ones that were available, that's why I chose a light green and a blue one, unfortunately, white was not available and our budget was not enough, at that time that color was more expensive, I don't know if it is still like that and I don't know the reason for this but the white paints were more expensive.

That is the reason why my house doesn't have the beautiful white color on the walls, but on second thought it wouldn't last long as clean as I like it, I have a baby that confuses the walls with a notebook and scratches them, when I discover him he runs away so I don't take the color or the pencil away. So sometimes it's not a matter of your taste the color of the walls, but the environment and those around you can define the color.


For me the basics and living in detachment with material things made more sense since we could no longer buy at the supermarket even what we needed to eat daily at home, many times only one meal a day was our only companion, and many times they were meals that were not to our liking. But that taught us, all of us in my house began to value things more and many things that we once considered important were no longer important. Paintings in the home were some of the things that took a back seat. It was as if our minds changed radically, in my case I had to change my mentality for my mental health.

I fell into depression in one of those times that we had no food, I spent 3 days crying without being able to stop, I was medicated for that depression and although at that time we had almost no money I can say that God did not abandon us, I was able to move forward with the treatment after a few months. This episode in my life made me evaluate what was important and what was not, I discovered that there were things that I did not need to be at peace, I decided to simplify my life.


After several years, although the situation in my country is no longer so suffocating, there are things that some of us are still limited to, in the case of our family home paints, I feel that many other homes too, because houses that before I saw very beautiful on the outside, now look dull and a little worn. But they say that it is always the inside that is important and I believe that this also includes houses, the important thing is the harmony and love that is found inside, that is the true beauty.

Although I have not been able to paint my home white, I concentrate more on the things that I can do, keep my house in peace and clean, and give all the love in the world to the two people who make up my little family. Being a minimalist for me is something that I carry in my heart and in my case the color does not define who I really am, I live with what I need and even though it is not that much it makes me happy, I have the only wealth I need in my life, my family.

Thank you for reading me, I will be attentive to your comments.

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Publication originally written in Spanish and translated into English with deepl translator.

All photographs are personal photographs taken with Samsung A22 phone.

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