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Minimalist contest: If I win a million dollars, what do I do?

Hi everybody?
Warm greetings and let's welcome this contest with pleasure. I thank @millycf1976 & @hive-194848 for holding this minimalist contest as a positive goal to welcome the new year and as a support for writers and the community. Of the 3 suggested topics, I chose topic number 2 as the theme of my post in this contest:

2nd Option:
If you won one million dollars, wold it change, or wold it not change your belief, practice, or desire be live a minimalistic lifestyle.


Like the theme, if I won a million dollars, what would I do? This is a question that poses an interesting challenge to me and to all of you. Habits in society when suddenly rich, often what happens is panic.

By panic I mean the loss of consciousness to control oneself in an effort to use wealth in a structured and good manner. Maybe our main mission is shopping. Such as buying luxury vehicles, new clothes, new houses, luxury home equipment, new smartphones and so on. So that when you recover from panic and have started to realize, regret will just come.

This is a common thing in society. So that the wealth will slowly disappear somewhere and will run out slowly like melting ice cubes. Well, learning from that experience, if I have a million dollars, then I will do several stages in using it in a structured manner.

The first thing I did was to divide the money into 4 parts.

  • The first part is 50%. I will keep this in the form of assets, whether it's buying land, properties that have a sale value, investing or making stocks that can make money as a business in the future.

  • The second part is 30%. I will use this as my capital for the necessities I need, such as a simple vehicle, clothes or home supplies.

  • The third share is 10%. I save this as a savings account that can be used anytime when there is an urgent need or need.

  • The fourth part is 10%. I use this as a donation or alms to help others as a humanitarian action. Be it community institutions, places of worship or people who can't afford it. This is a form of gratitude to God for the sustenance that I get. As religious people, of course we have to do this. Because religion teaches, give one good, then ten goodness will come back to you.

So, if I won a million dollars, I would still choose to live a minimalist life in simplicity. So that the assets that I have can be a financial guarantee in old age. Because greed and carelessness will always lead to disaster. Live simply, so that we reach the highest point of happiness in life.

Thanks to the contest organizers, this is my entry in this minimalist contest, I hope it's useful. And I invite my friends @zippers & @alexa-macro to participate in this minimalist contest.

©2021 copyright: original post

About Author:


Muchsin Alman

I come from Aceh, Indonesia. I was born in October 1994. I am a trader in several Crypto markets, besides I am also a writer of fiction and poetry. .
I focus on charity and humanitarian work. I think I will take advantage of technological advances such as Blockchain and Cryptocurency to be able to help others. And this is my goal, because for me there is no single satisfaction eternal apart from the satisfaction of seeing the smiles of others because of us.

Best regards, @moex-photography

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