Balancing life coming out of Shell (#kiss)

As a minimalist balancing in life in every case is very important. Nothing is good when it's at an extreme level. Even a positive quality can bring bad results also if we fail to keep balance it properly. I am going to share my experience with you. Let's start....

picture by Aaron Burden from Unsplash

From my 8th class, I was shifted to town in one of my relative's houses for my study purpose. At that time I was a cool type of person ( still I am cool ) who was concerned about only my study. My financial cases were handled by my father. So, I never cared for anything else and everything was going well like nobody is happy like me and I have nothing to worry.

My father said me that relative was helping because they gave me the opportunity to read in town and behave well with them. I naturally behave well with everyone but my father reminded me again because they are very good. So I always tried my best to make them satisfied with my polite behaviour although it was my nature. I passed 2 years with them everything was going well.

I started to understand a little more about Life. Then I felt they try to force me to change decision of mine. As a polite boy, I always tried my best not to hurt them and I obeyed their decision although I didn't want it. What could I do? As a polite boy, I could not disobey them and hurt them. With time I started to notice that the same things were happening again and again and I felt angry but I remain silent because Silence is the best answer. In fact, from the beginning, I am silent in every case when the decision wasn't what I wanted.

I was hoping that my silence will make everything good. As I said I was a cool person and getting angry wasn't a match for me.

It was just a matter of time they started to dominate me. They got the opportunity for dominating me because I was cool all the time.

In the beginning, when they started to fully dominate me I was silent but when I understand that they are trying to make my father understand saying I was wasting huge money and they demanded more money from my father. Besides they tried to make me a culprit of many in front of my father. I was shocked specially when they said I was wasting money because it was the opposite of my nature and my father understood it well. I decided not to stay there but my 12 class admission was approximately 3 months later which was very important and changing places could hamper my study very much. So, I decided to change the place 3 months later.

But this time I came out of my shell. They thought they could dominate me all the time and took my silence as my weakness. In one case they were trying to blame me for one reason which I had not done and that day I became violent. They never expected to see my violent mood. I defeat them logically also when they tried to make an argument with me. It was the first time they lose to. Or it's the day I didn't let them win. To be honest, I became violent like that day very few times. They tried to frighten me but when they saw I didn't care about such kind of thing, they become silent. After that, each time they tried to dominate me I raised my voice and all the time I was on the right side and they didn't have anything to convince me. Do you know what changed after it? They stopped trying to dominate me. And I left the place after my exam. In the last 3 months, I was there like a lion.

It was a life lesson for me. I figured out that nothing is good at an extreme level. So too much politeness is not so good all the time. You might hear that "Silence is the best answer". Yes, it's right but not every time. Sometimes your silence is your weakness also. So be loud in case of rights...

I am the one who suffered and it took more than 4 years to balance my life means true life. So it's a suggestion not to keep quiet like me for a long time because it will make the situation worse. I was able to balance but who knows if you don't get the opportunity to create balance.

If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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