Getting freedom to maintain my best life

I lived my life in the way that i do not worry of anything that may want to take my peace, I take things the way I see them and I tried to be myself in all weather, yet there was a time it wasn't the same with me, and by those days, was the times I was always worried of so many things in my life.

It seems I didn't know how to keep my peace within me, in those days I was still in my teenage age, and it was in my secondary school years, so there was this subject teacher that was so mean, a lot of people fear him and so was i, he didn't used to smile nor look at us as his beloved students, he mostly sent students outside during his class and that makes us grow so much fear of him.

The man wasn't like others teachers in the school, and even the students ahead of us, used to warn us not to misbehave in it class if not, he is going to sent us out and when he has sent you out of his class for more than three times, that means you are going to fail his subjects, because he would note you as an un-serious student.

I didn't want to fail any subject because I do not want my parents to get mad at me, but on the other hand, I had the fear "what if I fail the man's subjects?" since he has sent me out of his class once, it happens that my friend that was sitting beside me, asked for my pen and he saw both of us talking and that was how he sent me out of the class, even when he was just coming in and he didn't yet start the lesson.

I was worried and I was hurt throughout that day in school, I didn't know if I should blame my friend for what happened or if I should just take it that it was the teachers fault, but since that day, I never allow him to sent me out of his class anymore, I do everything to follow his rules in the class, and he was like doing a lot of things, I can not mention how many times he asked me to stand up and answer some questions after the class, and I did answer.

When the timetable was out for the terminal examination, I wrote all the exams with ease but on the day of his exams, it wasn't so ease with me, because I was feeling sweat coming out of all parts of my body, I was worried about his exams even when I have wrote it to my best.

And then, I realized that something may be difficult but not is it going to be difficult anymore, when we have first found peace within ourselves, I began to keep my mind at peace and do away from worry of anything, I was ready to failed if my efforts wasn't enough in the exams.

We went for break after writing the terminal examinations and when the school reopen for the next term, the results was out and I rushed to check mine, I had excellent in the subject I couldn't stopped worrying that I was going to failed.

And of all the Nine subjects, three was excellent, including the one I was worried of, from that day I put a total full-stop to fear of something, because fear is just like thinking, that we are not going to be able to helpful to ourselves, meanwhile that can be not so, when we are able to construct our mindsets in the way that it helps us to remain calm, we are going to gained the freedom of peace.

Then as I grow up, I continue to know that fear of failure is totally a waste of time for me to think about, because mistakes can also create a better way for our best life.

Therefore, no matter the circumstances, a person shouldn't keep fear and worry, being able to take fear out of our minds give us the freedom of keeping our best life.

The two images are made for this publication, edited using a photo editing app. Thanks for reading friend you are awesome 💕.

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