Beautifully Simple

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The simplicity of life is what makes it worth living. From the beginning of time, our predecessors lived life in such a way that was mundane (as this generation calls it) but filled with color and purpose. There weren’t quick answers for everything and I find myself thinking if they truly viewed those times as a challenge or if it made them appreciate and see things that we do not.

Simple and Worth living

I was seeing a movie yesterday and the dialogue between a monk and the worshippers struck a chord. He spoke about how people with a good heart tend to see the good in everything. They cannot hate and even the dullest things tend to captivate them. These people are content with living presently and purposefully. I likened it to living simply. It is beautiful to live one day at a time with no worries of the future.

Problems will come. I mean, I had to deal with myself all through yesterday but I found joy in the very little things. I grew having all I needed and that was enough.


I also believe growing with little taught me to appreciate the bigger things in life. Looking up at dark grey skies makes my heart levitate because to me, it is beautiful when the sun finally pierces through those dreary days, and it brings excitement to the hearts of those who look forward to clear skies.

I love simple. I love waking up with a clear definition of what my day would be like and I love ending the day ticking off things from my list. For as long as I can remember, I have always chosen the simple and most comfortable things.


The littlest things overwhelm me easily when they seem to come from everywhere all at once, so being in control of my choice, moods, and thoughts is a gift to me. There are so many reasons I would forever go with the simplest things from colors to gadgets and even clothes.

The Comfort

When I wake up in the morning, my go-to for work is always the most simple and comfortable. I may choose to dress in shorts and easy shirts because they allow me movement. With what I do, I value the freedom of movement and the access to air. Especially in the hot season when the sun heats to a punishing degree. If not, I go with sweat pants and polo shirts. Slides are my go-to footwear. If ‘fashion assassin’ was a person, that would be me because I throw on bizarre combinations with practically no courtesy in the least to the ‘fashion god’.

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This is something my mom tells me daily. She calls me out on my dress sense but I dress for me to be comfortable doing what I love. No one but I know the weight of how much the lightness or thickness of clothes does to my mental health. I am someone who would prefer to put on as less as possible, because I value my comfort over my impressions.


My idea of a fun time are books, movies and music. I love to travel as well but for now, I settle on running errands that take me to far places within the state I reside.

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I love when I have to worry about nothing and slowly but surely, I am teaching myself to live in the present while making memories. It takes so little to get me relaxed or de-stressed. I do not have to book hotels and flights to feel okay. Trust me, I know people who pay hundreds of thousands to take days off and while it is understandable that we find joys differently, that is not me.

There is something I do every so often and that is taking walks. Mostly in the evenings when I can truly appreciate the beauty of nature.


The reason for this is that I can ponder reflectively on how I have lived my life that day. This moment is something I cherish because it is free at no cost at all. There is something precious about listening to yourself.

I take joy in indulging myself in little things. As I said, it takes very little to satisfy me. Probably the reason why I get short on cash but never broke. I always have money saved somewhere and that, I believe, is because of how much I value comfort over materialistic possessions. I still use outdated stuff not because I cannot afford to get new ones but, if they are doing the job, why bother myself.

Control and Routine

The most valid reason for my lifestyle is certainty. While I try not to worry about the future, I am not reckless either.


Tomorrow may not be here yet, but I would not want to be left in the dark when it comes. I have dropped habits and made changes in my home for this reason. The ticket to living comfortably in this world is money. Whether I like it or not, I need money and this knowledge is what has propelled me into making decisions no matter how small. From how we eat to where we go and when.

I like knowing what will happen tomorrow. I may not know it all but I like being involved with my life in any means possible. This mean I set in motion what I can. I make lists and highlight goals. It makes me feel in control of my life when I get these things done and tick them off. It gives me the assurance that every day is worth is living no matter how difficult it seems.

This is in response to the KISS BLOG 114. Looking for a place to share and indulge in the passions of minimalism? Join The MINIMALIST community today.


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