Minimalist simplicity


Hello everyone 🤗

Attending to the special invitation of my friend @actioncats I dare to share in this community my simplified and minimalist life.

Just four years ago I understood and learned to live without unnecessary things because at this point in my life accumulating things doesn't make any sense anymore.

I began to reduce my belongings to the minimum and indispensable, organizing everything that for some reason I felt I had bought compulsively and that was definitely not functional in my life.

When we sold our first house due to adverse situations we acquired a small and functional house where I feel that what little there is are simple and multifunctional possessions without excess or accumulations.

In it I have several comfortable spaces such as the living room which I decorated with a mix of neutral and soft colors where I enjoy two small sofas.


Next to these I have a very comfortable and simple chair that I can say is one of my favorite belongings.


The pearl white color of the walls attracts brightness and warmth at the same time, which combined with simple floor and ceiling lamps that contrasts this luminosity.



I have a small table with a couple of these decorative objects, accompanied by candles and one or two picture frames, which I think speak for themselves of any experience or member of my family.


I like to decorate the walls but without saturating them, I prefer paintings that show simple art.


To fill a corner of the house I tend to place ceramic vases, antique trunks, plants or some simple decorative piece.


I simply learned to simplify my life and this doesn't mean that I don't love my possessions but that I learned that I don't need so much to live and be happy.

Balancing my life by having the essentials not only balances my life routine but my mental health.

I hope to be able to share in another post other areas of my home which are also very simple but warm and which I enjoy very much.

I invite a special friend @chacald.dcymt to participate because even though I don't know her in person I can tell she is a simple girl and a lover of simplicity.

Thank you for your visit.

Original content @cirangela

Main photo editing with Canva


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