Visually Stressed: The New Trends.


I just can't help it. The unnecessary noise that comes from the honking of cars, motorcycles, and even speakers by the roadside. Listening to those things as I move toward the bustling city makes my mind get cluttered. I feel so uneasy that the presence of just getting home on time and resting in my safe place becomes the new necessary agenda to be carried out.

There are things I see that are visually stressful to me that I believe most people, especially ladies since this speaks directly to them, find more fun and appealing, and that is makeup/makeover. I don't think I can survive a sane week staying with someone who applies heavy makeup on a daily basis.

When I went camping in 2016, there was a lady I met at the camp whose face was always laced with makeup and not just any sort of makeup, but the type that you can scrape out a little out of the paint on her face to paint a whole building.

If you've been to a camp before, you'll know how much effort it'll take to get things done when everyone has to be present after exercise to eat and do other stuff. However, the first day I would come in contact with the lady's face, I almost puked. I do not in any way body shame people because I am not perfect myself. But when I say the usage of makeup ruined her face, it sure did. Her face was messy, and it was then I understood why she needed to make up her face.

When I asked her, due to my curiosity, as she applied makeup again, she confessed that the usage of makeup ruined her face that she couldn't do without using it again. I did advise her to stop hurting her skin and recommended some oil to help bring her youthful natural beauty back before I left the camp. I have no hate toward makeup, I find it beautiful, but I do believe there's a limit to everything done in life.

The chemicals in the powders and liquids hurt the skin, which is why it is always advisable to clean it off before going to sleep.

Moving onto another, being a minimalist practitioner, I love being in a place that is well kept and tidy. You know the sort of home where you know where everything is because they are well arranged and kept in order. This makes things easier that even with eyes closed, you can pick up things without falling down unnecessarily. Being in a cluttered place isn't good, especially when you have people who are handicapped around and mainly because seeing a cluttered place makes my heart beat a thousand times in a second.

Also, when it comes to fashion, I do have to say that I do not and can never understand what most models wear nowadays because it is the new trend in town. You'd see some people dress in ways that just want you to go home and spend the rest of your day staring at the wall because it is prettier and more honorable. Though, I do have to confess that seeing all those so-called fashion/new trends does not help my sanity at all, and I do find it cluttering seeing people who follow these said trends from their models.

Following new trends and hurting yourself in the process is unnecessary. You shouldn't put yourself through that, and with this, I bring a song that's says, "Live your life," to your hearing.

Image Used Is Mine and video is from #YouTube.

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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