Greeneries Or Skies, It's Home.

We're not born with a silver spoon on our mouths but with mud on our feet rather, in a lineage of farmers for so many decades. In a young age, we were taught how to grow our foods in the fields and not to depend everything on the market. It is a practice that my elders still do even now, a farm to table system throughout the years to lessen the expenses.

When I was in my teenage years, I remember how my mother once showed me how to manage a household and only spend $2 in a month. Yes, just $2! It may sound absurd and impossible for other, but for us who are used in living a simple life, it's indeed possible. As I said earlier, we practiced growing our own food in the farm; from rice to vegetables, spices, and fruits, and to livestocks. All are organic and fresh. For that amount to be enough, my mother just need to buy salt, vinegar, soy sauce, oil, and other condiments that she didn't have in her garden.

Definitely, I adapted the practice and embraced a minimalistic lifestyle even though I lived most of my life in the city than in our province. Just to eat a meal for 3 times in a day is enough for me. I prefer to dress casually, no makeup, no jewelries, and no luxuries. Just my shirt, jeans, rubber shoes, and a sports watch is enough to make me go out everywhere with my backpack and phone.

Anywhere I go, I often look back to where I came from. That's why I visit home once in a while. Lots of our relatives have migrated to the city and build their families there, but my family have remained here and pledged to live here until their last breath. They even gave up the lot that they should be buying for us near the highway. They realized it was peaceful, cheaper, and easier to live here in the countryside than in blocks of houses where only walls seperates the other. They are blessed by nature since the water is free from the springs and they only have to pay for the electric bill.




No matter how many kilometers our home from the highway, and how ardous the journey, it's always a pleasure to come back everytime. "There's no place like home," as the famous adage says. Indeed, no place can be compared to the place you loved as you grow up.

Diving into the memory lane as I was walking this path, countles memories are here and it doesn't make the journey tiresome at all when I think of those. Just looking back at the city in the distance, where it was overlapped by the blue skies. The greeneries, the plains, and the hills were worth to see. It's not everyday that I can experience a tranquil life, a blessing indeed from Above.





Somehow, it's a disadvantage living in a place with poor network signal but in other perspectives, it maybe not when you entertain yourself with what can nature offers around you. You may play hide-and-seek with the Mama cow if you want to get closer to her calf. Watch the people pile their crops in the field and thank God for the bountiful harvest.




Sunsets on the shore aren't just the ones beautiful but also here for its clearer skies since there is less pollution. A sight to behold as it slowly hides itself behind the tall growing sugarcanes along the hills. Also, the starry night here is perfect. It's just a waste that I couldn't capture it well for you here to see. If you love stargazing, then probably you'll fall in love with it.

Overtime, I understand why my parents love to live here instead of a more convenient life in the city where technology plays its part very well. They find it easier to live a simple life in the countryside than immerse themselves in technology and depend on whatever food displayed in the market. They can plant the food they want and eat it fresh, healthier and less costly. Moreover, they have a peace of mind for the serenity that nature brings unlike hearing the hustle and bustle of the city life. It's not that we are lacking and couldn't afford the life over the hills, but living with a peace of mind and contentment of a simple life is what they wanted.


July 17, 2023
🌸 ayane-chan

All of the photos in this blog are mine unless stated otherwise. Thank you taking some time to read this. I hope you have a good day. God bless!

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