Finding Happiness Within

In a world we live in that is filled with diverse forms of pressies ranging from family demands, financial responsibility, career ambitions and social media influences. Trying to meet all these pressures at times can cost us our happiness or rather make it difficult for us to find happiness. But well that's not not, growing up, I always think happiness is tied when you achieve a major success or milestone.

But as I grew older as day goes by, I begin to realise that it is not so. I did not need to wait to celebrate a huge milestone in my life before actually achieving success and that is just the truth. Even though sometimes it is true as when we hit some milestones in our lives, it opens our eyes to see the happiness from within. But I discovered I did not need to constantly wait till I achieve success before I fan the happiness within me to flame.

There is something called external happiness and which our society has teaches us to be familiar with. In this type of external happiness, it is influenced by the positive happening around us and that still linked back to the success I mentioned earlier. But our society failed to exposed us to the internal happiness which I believe is the greatest form of happiness everyone should be familiar with.

Pleasures, fun, entertainment and many more can give us that external happiness and which is good and positive to our mental health. But even with that, I strongly believe it is still limited as compared to the inner happiness we have within. For many people, they have faced only the external happiness and though keep going after those big things around them to give them the external happiness they longed for, but well they didn't realise that it is an endless chase.

It is really important that everyone of us comes to understand the importance of finding the happiness within. For me, it took me a whole lot of years to realise this and even if after realising this, I discovered I have been missing out on great things all this while. When you begin to find the happiness within you, you will begin to realise that having contentment is a great again no matter the external conditions. There are times that the internal happiness has helped me to maintain my peace irrespective of what is actually happening around me.

If you want to go far in life, you must come to a point whereby you train yourself not to be affected by the happening around you. Did not be pressured by the win of your fellow friends, the pressure from families and the society you live on and don't be pressured also by the fake life benefit demonstrated on the social media, it will not go anywhere. One of the major factors that will make you overcome a whole lot of hurdles along the way is not the external happiness you exposed yourself to as that is limited to external conditions, but you need to build up your inner happiness as that will sustain you along the way.

One of the beliefs I have practiced over the years that has allowed me to be able to maintain the inner peace within me no matter what is happening around is what I called Self Acceptance. Trust me, if you are able to master self acceptance, it will help you to find happiness within. No matter the imperfections, the hurdles and flaws surrounding me, I have come to accept myself and praise the uniqueness that lies in me. A lot of people suffer from this and are not been able to recover from it. Soon enough, their self esteem, their boldness and in fact some falls to depression at the end of the day. Self acceptance is key to you finding your happiness within.

Another factor that has helped me over the years to maintain and sustain my happiness within me is Gratitude. I have always knew that my present condition I am in right now is someone prayer points. So many things I have been grateful to and which I will continue to be grateful to. The people around me, the lessons learnt, the hurdles overcome and many more, these gives me reasons daily to be able to be grateful to the life I am living even though there can still be room for me to be better. Having gratitude has helped me to be contented irrespective of what is been achieved by my friends or the pressure mounting from the society.

As I conclude, the journey to finding happiness within is what everyone of us must sustain looking at the fact that there is so much that is threatening to take our happiness away. You need to constantly maintain your happiness within and not be moved by what is happening around you. You embrace the journey ahead of you and have this mindset that no matter what happens, you can still find the inner peace and that inner peace will help you to be able to overcome any circumstances that might want to come your way.

This is my entry to the KISS #126 (Sep 7 - 13) in the The MINIMALIST Community. All images are mine.

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