
Transformation is change to become like something. It's like a process that requires time for formation of something.

One of the cogent need in the body of Christ presently is transformation. Many times is easily said and hardly not practiced. Transformation begins from the mind. Let's consider this scripture first and foremost.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

We are living in a time where it's becoming difficult for many believers to stand and defend the faith. There are so many things that wages war against Christians today but when transformation achieved its course, victory will be ours. From the scriptures, the Bible says Do not conformed. It's not a suggestion but a command that every believer is expected to adhere to.

The world has a pattern and way of doing things. I kept asking my self certain questions why is the world becoming a standard for the church? Instead of the church to be an example so that the world copy hmmm reverse is the case right now.

Jesus is our standard and role model that we need to learn from always. The world has traditions, principles, codes and norms which believers ought not to learn from but be example.

I belong to a fellowship of young people where we meet to brainstorm and learn more of God together. The slogan of this fellowship an example which implies one should change and be transformed.

One of the ways to be transformed is by constant study of the word of God. Secondly consistent prayer life and many others.

I pray that the Lord will help us to be transformed.

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