Zero to Hero - Alan Menken 🎺 (Cover) by @yisusth [ENG/SPA]

Hello everyone in this beautiful #Music community. I am pleased to present to you my trumpet performance of “Zero to Hero”, a song composed by David Zippel and Alan Menken for the 1997 Disney animated film, Hercules. The lyrics are an inspiring anthem that celebrates the power of determination and hard work to achieve your dreams. It also reminds us that we all have the potential to become heroes, regardless of our background or circumstances. This song is performed by the Chorus of the Muses, a group of five goddesses who serve as narrators and commentators of the story. This movie is one of my favorite Disney movies and I love that it relates to Greek mythology. It was the way of interpreting the origins of the different artistic manifestations. This piece of music is of the pop-rock genre with gospel and soul influences. The rhythm is constant, energetic, and with marked dynamics. Without a doubt, it will bring back fond memories for many. It wasn't easy for me to play it because the sheet music I found was not legible.

Spanish | Español (click here)

Hola a todos en esta bella comunidad de #Music. Tengo el placer de presentarles mi interpretación con la trompeta de «Zero to Hero», una canción compuesta por David Zippel y Alan Menken para la película animada de Disney de 1997, Hércules. La letra es un himno inspirador que celebra el poder de la determinación y el trabajo duro para alcanzar los sueños. También nos recuerda que todos tenemos el potencial de convertirnos en héroes, independientemente de nuestro origen o circunstancias. Esta canción es interpretada por el coro de las musas, un grupo de cinco diosas que sirven como narradoras y comentaristas de la historia. Esta película es una de mis favoritas de Disney y me encanta que esté relacionada con la mitología griega. Era la manera de interpretar los orígenes de las diferentes manifestaciones artísticas. Esta pieza musical es de género pop rock con influencias de góspel y soul. El ritmo es constante, enérgico y con dinámicas marcadas. Sin duda, a muchos les traerá gratos recuerdos. No me fue fácil tocarla porque la partitura que encontré no es legible.

In the world of music it is important to cultivate a growth mindset and not a fixed mindset. I remember that when I was a child I enrolled in a prestigious music school. I was initially very excited until I encountered a discouraging reality. My companions glided effortlessly through complex melodies and rhythms. Instead, my fingers moved clumsily over the pistons and the trumpet sound lacked the delicacy I craved. My trumpet teacher taught me the principles of a growth mindset, encouraging me to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. I dedicated many hours to practicing, perfecting my skills, and expanding my musical knowledge. With a growth mindset and unwavering determination, I was able to transform my dreams into reality. Over time I was able to achieve greater responsibilities, skills, and excellent performance. The reward came in the form of applause and praise. Regardless of our starting point, we have the potential to achieve greatness, one note at a time.

Spanish | Español (click here)

En el mundo de la música es importante cultivar una mentalidad de crecimiento y no una mentalidad fija. Recuerdo que cuando estaba niño me inscribí en una prestigiosa escuela de música. Me sentía muy entusiasmado inicialmente, hasta que me topé con una realidad desalentadora. Mis compañeros se deslizaban sin esfuerzo por melodías y ritmos complejos. En cambio, mis dedos se movían torpemente sobre los pistones y el sonido de la trompeta carecía de la delicadeza que anhelaba. Mi profesor de trompeta me enseñó los principios de una mentalidad de crecimiento, alentándome a aceptar los desafíos como oportunidades de crecimiento. Me dediqué por muchas horas a la práctica, perfeccionando mis habilidades y ampliando su conocimiento musical. Con una mentalidad de crecimiento y una determinación inquebrantable, pude transformar mis sueños en realidad. Con el tiempo pude lograr mayores responsabilidades, habilidades y un excelente desempeño. La recompensa llegó en forma de aplausos y elogios. Sin importar nuestro punto de partida, tenemos el potencial de alcanzar la grandeza, una nota a la vez.


Zero to Hero

Oh, yeah
Bless my soul, Herc was on a roll

Person of the week in every Greek opinion poll

What a pro!

Herc could stop a show
Point him at a monster and you're talkin' SRO
He was a no-one

A zero, zero

Now he's an honcho

He's a hero

Here was a kid with his act down pat

From zero to hero in no time flat
Zero to hero

Just like that

When he smiled, the girls went wild
With oohs and aahs

And they slapped his face on every vase

On every vase!

From appearance fees and royalties
Our Herc had cash to burn
Now nouveau riche and famous

He could tell you what's a Grecian urn

Say amen! There he goes again

Sweet and undefeated
And an awesome ten for ten

Folks lined up just to watch him flex

And this perfect package
Packed a pair of pretty pecs

Hercie, he comes, he sees, he conquers
Honey, the crowds were goin' bonkers
He showed the moxie, brains, and spunk
From zero to hero

A major hunk

Zero to hero

And who'd have thunk?

Who put the "glad" in "gladiator"?


Whose daring deeds are great theatre?


Is he bold?

Nobody braver

Is he sweet?

Our favorite flavor!
Hercules, Hercules
Hercules, Hercules
Hercules, Hercules
Bless my soul, Herc was on a roll
Riding high

And the nicest guy!

Not conceited

He was a nothin' (A zero, zero)
Now he's an honcho (He's our hero)
He hit the heights at breakneck speed
From zero to hero
Herc is a hero
Now he's a hero!

Oh, yeah
Yes, indeed!

Fuentes / Sources

ImagesObtained in Unsplash
Lyrics“Zero to Hero” by Alan Menken on Genius
Thumbnail & BannerMade with Adobe Creative Cloud Express
GifsCreated with EZGif
Specific informationThe New York Times
Original TrackHercules - Zero to Hero - Lyric Video - Disney Sing Along (11).gif

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