Glory of Love - Peter Cetera (Cover) by @yisusth

A warm greeting to all the musicians and music lovers who make a living in the #Music community. I am pleased to share my interpretation with my trumpet of "Glory of Love", a romantic ballad composed by Peter Cetera and David Foster, released in 1989 as part of the soundtrack of the movie "Karate Kid 2". The melody is soft and expressive, and is in a moderate vocal range. The tempo is moderate, an intimate and romantic atmosphere can be felt. The lyrics reflect a feeling of long-lasting and committed love, where lovers promise fidelity and mutual support over time. Like the song, I believe that love can overcome any challenge or adversity. The main key is Ab major, with some significant tonal variations. For the trumpet, I start with the key of D major, then F major, and finally Eb major.

Spanish | Español (click here)

Un saludo cordial a todos los músicos y melómanos que hacen vida en la comunidad de #Music. Tengo el agrado de compartir mi interpretación con mi trompeta de «Glory of Love», una balada romántica compuesta por Peter Cetera y David Foster, lanzada en 1989 como parte de la banda sonora de la película "Karate Kid 2". La melodía es suave y expresiva, y se encuentra en un rango vocal moderado. El tempo es moderado, se puede sentir una atmósfera íntima y romántica. La letra refleja un sentimiento de amor duradero y comprometido, donde los amantes se prometen fidelidad y apoyo mutuo a lo largo del tiempo. Al igual que la canción, considero que el amor puede superar cualquier desafío o adversidad. La tonalidad principal es Ab mayor, con algunas variaciones tonales significativas. En el caso de la trompeta, comienzo con la tonalidad de D mayor, luego F mayor y, por último, Eb mayor.


Foto de Rod Long en Unsplash

Serving others is fundamental to my life. I don't consider it just a good deed or an act of solidarity, but a deep expression of my faith. Selfless service is a way of getting closer to God and showing my love for Him and for my fellow man. I am concerned that some people confuse service with an obligation or a transaction. Recently, in a bakery, a lady demanded money from me, appealing to my faith. Although I gave in to her request, I did not feel good about the situation. True service comes from the heart and is the fruit of love. When we serve others, we are serving God and cultivating virtues such as compassion, humility and love for our neighbor.

Spanish | Español (click here)

Algo fundamental en mi vida es prestar servicio a los demás. No lo considero solo una buena acción o un acto de solidaridad, sino una expresión profunda de mi fe. El servicio desinteresado es una forma de acercarme a Dios y demostrar mi amor hacia Él y hacia mis semejantes. Me preocupa que algunas personas confundan el servicio con una obligación o una transacción. Recientemente, en una panadería, una señora me exigió dinero, apelando a mi fe. Aunque cedí a su petición, no me sentí bien con esa situación. El verdadero servicio nace del corazón y es fruto del amor. Cuando servimos a otros, estamos al servicio de Dios y cultivamos virtudes como la compasión, la humildad y el amor al prójimo.


Glory of Love

Tonight, it's very clear
'Cause we're both lying here
There's so many things I wanna say
I will always love you
I would never leave you alone

Sometimes, I just forget
Say things I might regret
It breaks my heart to see you crying
I don't wanna lose you
I could never make it alone

I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero you're dreaming of
We'll live forever
Knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love

You keep me standing tall
You help me through it all
I'm always strong when you're beside me
I have always needed you
I could never make it alone

I am the man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero you've been dreaming of
We'll live forever
Knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love

It's like a knight in shining armor
From a long time ago
Just in time, I will save the day
Take you to my castle far away

I am the man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero that your dreaming of
We're gonna live forever
Knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love
We'll live forever
Knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love

We did it all for love
We did it all for love
We did it all for love
We did it all for love

Fuentes / Sources

ImagesObtained in Unsplash and Tmdb
Lyrics“Glory of Love” by Peter Cetera on Genius
Thumbnail & BannerMade with Adobe Creative Cloud Express
GifsCreated with EZGif
Specific informationRolling Stone
Original Soundtrack"Glory of Love" by Peter Cetera (11).gif

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