Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi (Cover) by @yisusth [ENG/SPA]


Foto de Dudy Melo en Unsplash

An affectionate greeting to the entire community of musicians and music fans. Today I want to share my trumpet interpretation of "Before You Go", a genre song composed by Lewis Capaldi, along with Thomas Barnes, Peter Kelleher, Benjamin Kohn and Phil Plested. The song is a touching ballad and was inspired by a family event where an aunt committed suicide. That pain that the family felt, especially that of his mother, motivated him to write this song. The lyrics are very emotional and vulnerable. It talks about the pain and regret he feels after losing his lover. Reading it I can see how there is a desperate plea for a second chance. This piece of music is in E Flat Major and has a moderate tempo. The score I found is in 12/8, something that seems curious to me, since the arranger could have done it in 4/4 and there would be no difference. 12/8 is a time signature made up of four beats, each of which is subdivided into three eighth notes. This means that the measure lasts twelve eighth notes or four dotted quarter notes.

Un afectuoso saludo a toda la comunidad de músicos y aficionados de la música. Hoy quiero compartir mi interpretación con la trompeta de «Before You Go», una canción de género por compuesta por Lewis Capaldi, junto a Thomas Barnes, Peter Kelleher, Benjamin Kohn y Phil Plested. La canción es una balada conmovedora y fue inspirada por un suceso familiar donde una tía se suicidó. Ese dolor que sintió la familia, en especial el de su madre, lo motivaron a escribir esta canción. La letra es muy emocional y vulnerable. Esta habla sobre el dolor y el arrepentimiento que siente después de perder a su amante. Al leerla puedo notar como existe una súplica desesperada por una segunda oportunidad. Esta pieza musical se encuentra en E Bemol Mayor y tiene un tempo moderado. La partitura que encontré está en 12/8, algo que me parece curioso, ya que el arreglista pudo haberlo hecho en 4/4 y no habría diferencia alguna. 12/8 es un compás compuesto de cuatro tiempos, cada uno de los cuales se subdivide en tres corcheas. Esto significa que el compás tiene una duración de doce corcheas o cuatro negras con puntillo.

Preparation is one of the best ways to overcome stage fright. The times I have prepared, I have felt safe and confident. Without a doubt, preparation was key to avoiding anxiety and nervousness. On the one hand, one feels security and feel more in control of the situation. It also makes me feel more comfortable with the music I play. No matter the genre, the pace, you feel relaxed and enjoy the process. When I succeed in some musical performance, I develop confidence in my abilities. It hasn't happened to them that after you do something well, you feel confident in yourself to do it successfully again. Now, this security and comfort does not come to your life without effort. One must practice regularly. It is important to listen to yourself too. I love every time I can record a song and be able to evaluate my performance. You always think: “I can do this part better.” It is also important to perform in front of groups of people. Practicing in front of others will help you get used to the feeling of performing in public. Lastly, as I tell my students, focus, relax and have fun. The worst that can happen is having tomatoes thrown at you.

La preparación es una de las mejores maneras de vencer el miedo escénico. Las veces que me he preparado, me he sentido seguro y confiado. Sin duda, la preparación fue clave para evitar la ansiedad y el nerviosismo. Por una parte, uno siente seguridad y sientes más control de la situación. También me hace sentir más cómodo con la música que toco. No importa el género, el ritmo, te sientes relajado y disfrutas del proceso. Cuando tengo éxito en alguna interpretación musical, desarrollo confianza en mis habilidades. No les ha pasado, que después que haces algo bien, te sientes en confianza contigo mismo para hacerlo exitosamente otra vez. Ahora, esta seguridad y confort no te llega a tu vida sin esfuerzo. Uno debe practicar regularmente. Es importante escucharse también. Me encanta cada vez que puedo grabar una canción y pedo evaluar mi desempeño. Uno siempre piensa: “esta parte puedo hacerla mejor”. También es importante actuar delante de grupos de personas. Practicar frente a otros te ayudará a acostumbrarte a la sensación de actuar en público. Por último, como le digo a mis alumnos, concéntrate, relájate y diviértete. Lo peor que puede pasar es que te lancen tomates.


Before You Go

I fell by the wayside like everyone else
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, but I was just kidding myself
Our every moment, I start to replace
'Cause now that they're gone, all I hear are the words that I needed to say

When you hurt under the surface
Like troubled water running cold
Well, time can heal, but this won't

So before you go
Was there something I coulda said to make your heart beat better?
If only I'da known you had a storm to weather
So before you go
Was there something I coulda said to make it all stop hurting?
It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless
So before you go

Was never the right time whenever you called
Went little by little by little until there was nothing at all
Our every moment, I start to replay
But all I can think about is seeing that look on your face

When you hurt under the surface
Like troubled water running cold
Well, time can heal, but this won't

So before you go
Was there something I coulda said to make your heart beat better?
If only I'da known you had a storm to weather
So before you go
Was there something I coulda said to make it all stop hurting?
It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless
So before you go

Would we be better off by now
If I'da let my walls come down?
Maybe, I guess we'll never know
You know, you know

Before you go
Was there something I coulda said to make your heart beat better?
If only I'da known you had a storm to weather
So before you go
Was there something I coulda said to make it all stop hurting?
It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless
So before you go (11).gif

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