[ESP/ENG] My participation at "Recital de Navidad 2021" by Arte & Opera ~ "Si celebras navidad " ("When Christmas Comes to Town") - The Polar Express ~ Perform by @yalita



Hola a toda la comunidad de músicos que hacen vida en esta colmena.

Es un placer nuevamente (y al parecer un privilegio) poder estar nuevamente con ustedes con más contenido musical.

Esta noche les traigo una entrada un tanto especial, pues se trata de mi participación en el Recital de Navidad que se dió en la ciudad de Cumaná en las instalaciones del Teatro Luis Mariano Rivera, éste 22 de Diciembre, el cual se convirtió oficialmente en mi 3ra oportunidad de cantar EN VIVO frente al público, cosa que es totalmente distinto a cantar, grabarme y subirlo para ustedes, pues no creo ser la única persona que tiene cierto pavor al público, el popular 'Miedo escénico'. Personalmente me ha costado mucho superarlo y es una de las pequeñas cosas en mi vida de las que estoy orgullosa y voy luchando con todo, dando lo mejor de mí para hacer que cada participación en el escenario sea mejor que la anterior. Este pequeño concierto, increíblemente organizado en 1 mes gracias a mis profesores @danieldedosd2 y @mariajruizb, fue muy hermoso a pesar de los pequeños detalles que tuvimos a la hora de lanzarlo. Agradezco enormemente por todo el apoyo que recibí de ellos, a que poco a poco me han ido formando y ayudando a vencer mis miedos y luchar por mis sueños. La canción que me tocó interpretar lleva por título "Si celebras navidad" y es una de mis canciones favorias de navidad, la cual pertenece a la lista de canciones que se interpretan a lo largo de la película animada navideña "El expreso polar" (2004) escrita por Tom Hanks y dirigida por Robert Zemeckis, convirtiéndose así también en mi película animada navideña favorita. Espero les guste mi pequeña interpretación y hasta una próxima oportunidad. Les mando un fuerte abrazo a todos.

Hello to the entire community of musicians who make life in this hive.

It is a pleasure again (and apparently a privilege) to be able to be with you again with more musical content.

Tonight I bring you a somewhat special entry, because it is about my participation in the Christmas Recital that was given in the city of Cumaná at the Luis Mariano Rivera Theater facilities, this December 22, which officially became my 3rd opportunity to sing LIVE in front of the public, which is totally different from singing, recording and uploading it for you, because I don't think I am the only person who has a certain fear of the public, the popular 'Stage fear'. Personally, it has been hard for me to overcome it and it is one of the little things in my life that I am proud of and I am fighting with everything, giving my best to make each participation on stage better than the last. This little concert, incredibly organized in 1 month thanks to my teachers @ danieldedosd2 and @mariajruizb, was very beautiful despite the small details we had when launching it. I am enormously grateful for all the support I received from them, because little by little they have been training me and helping me to overcome my fears and fight for my dreams. The song that I had to interpret is entitled "If you celebrate Christmas" (English original name is: 'When Christmas Comes to Town') and it is one of my favorite Christmas songs, which belongs to the list of songs that are performed throughout the animated Christmas movie " The Polar Express " (2004) written by Tom Hanks and directed by Robert Zemeckis , thus also becoming my favorite Christmas animated film. I hope you like my little interpretation and until the next opportunity. I send a big hug to all of you.


The Polar Express (2004)

Image source: click here



Estrellas veo brillar
y trato de creer
que el me encontrara
aunque lejos este
Papa Noel no viene
ocupado debe estar
yo pienso en el
en esta Navidad

Talvez tu puedes creer
en Navidad como yo
y todos como ayer
ahora felizes son
me hace feliz poner
el arbol de Navidad
tienes mas fe
si celebras Navidad

Regalos de colores
alegría te daran
con historias me asombre
para mi no es igual
nadie dormira para que llegue Navidad
llegara Papa Noel

Se escucha un cascabel
ningun sonido hay
ese es Papa Noel
todo en silencio esta
los sueños hoy perdidos
iremos a buscar
a si sera si celebras Navidad

Regalos de colores
alegría te daran
con historias me asombre
para mi no es igual
nadie dormira para que llegue Navidad
llegara Papa Noel

Se escucha un cascabel
ningun sonido hay
ese es Papa Noel
todo en silencio esta
los sueños hoy perdidos
iremos a buscar
a si sera si celebras Navidad

ENGLISH LYRICS (Spanish translated)

I see stars shine
and i try to believe
that he would find me
although far this
Santa claus is not coming
busy must be
I think about him
in this Christmas

Maybe you can believe
at Christmas like me
and everyone like yesterday
now happy they are
makes me happy to put
Christmas tree
you have more faith
if you celebrate christmas

Colorful gifts
they will give you joy
I was amazed with stories
for me it is not the same
no one will sleep for Christmas to come
Santa Claus will arrive

A bell is heard
no sound there
that's santa claus
everything is silent
the dreams lost today
we will go find
if it will be if you celebrate Christmas

Colorful gifts
they will give you joy
I was amazed with stories
for me it is not the same
no one will sleep for Christmas to come
Santa Claus will arrive

A bell is heard
no sound there
that's santa claus
everything is silent
the dreams lost today
we will go find
if it will be if you celebrate Christmas

ORIGINAL English Lyrics ("When Christmas Comes to Town")

I'm wishing on a star
And trying to believe
That even thought it's far
He'll find me Christmas Eve
I guess that Santa's busy
'Cause he's never come around
I think of him when Christmas comes to town
The best time of the year
When everyone comes home
With all this Christmas cheer
It's hard to be alone
Putting up the Christmas tree
With friends that come around
It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
Hoping Santa's on his way
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
All the things I've heard about but never really seen
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve
Hoping Santa's on his way
When Santa's sleight bells ring
I listen all around
The herald angels sing
I never hear a sound
And all the dreams of the children
Once lost will all be found
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town


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