I finally found someone who has no problem with prouction breaks// Balcer4k's interwiev


Uh... Greetings...

Hey, I still remember the password to this account, no worries (laugh). Nevertheless, letting the jokes go, I have to admit that the project I was planning has become a minor logistical nightmare. If you are reading this text it means that everything has been finalized and the project will continue (heck, I hope so). Saying that, I invite you to talk to our next guest - a person involved in music genres from the spectrum of trap, phonk or house music, hiding in the network under the name "Balcer4k". Without further ado, in a word of introduction....

What is your experience as a music producer?

ㅤI've had experience with music since I was a kid, I've always been drawn to some instruments and generally never parted with at least headphones. I owe a lot to my grandfather because it is mainly thanks to his genes that I am in this "industry".

OK, and what is your main focus as a producer?

ㅤIf I do a bit just for myself, I mainly focus on making something that satisfies me, hits my taste. These are not necessarily quality productions as I want to focus on making them sound the way I like them. However, I have a different approach when I have to make a beat for a client. Then I give 100% of myself and do everything I can to make him like the track.

Doesn't producing for someone, however, interfere with the sectors of music you listen to and suit you?

ㅤI've listened to a lot of different music genres in my life, and to some extent they overlap with what I produce today. At the moment I'm mainly involved in such genres as trap, phonk, house and many of their subgenres such as supertrap or slap house.

It's quite a broad spectrum of genres after all. So do you create everything in one program?

ㅤFor music production I use FL studio on a daily basis. This program convinced me among other things because of its transparency and easy operation. I also took into account the fact that a lot of people use this program.

And what does your production process look like in this software?

ㅤThe process of creating a bit depends on its type and genre. Some of them take me more time and some less. For more quality productions, the average time spent on a project is about 6 hours spread over 3 or 2 days in a row. I don't do everything in one day because I usually just don't have that much time, but I also personally think that even such small breaks in music really give a lot. First of all, spending several hours one day on the same project can simply bore us. We will get used to the sound of what we have created and nothing will surprise us. After even such a short break, new ideas for diversifying the piece may appear in our heads. Moreover, our ears also need to rest and this will make the mixing and mastering process much easier.

What if our ears do not "rest"? Do you encounter creative blockages? How do you deal with them?

ㅤSometimes there is such a thing as a block in the life of a producer, which literally makes it impossible to create a good bit. We don't like anything and we feel like someone has taken away our skills that we have acquired over the years. Every producer struggles with this and everyone has a different way to deal with it. In my case, all it takes is a few days break from music and I come back full of new ideas.

Damn, I envy the fact that a few days break allows you to return to the industry (laugh).... From the pool of questions, do you have any major music-related goals now?

ㅤWithout surprising anyone, my current goal is to focus 100% on music. It is something he wants to perform in life. The vacations, on the other hand, he wants to use as much as possible and reach a wider audience.

Interesting. I'd like to go back to how you talked about making songs for someone, besides that, do you also happen to make music together, with someone?

ㅤYes, naturally. Usually it looked like this: one person would do the melody section, which was the main part of the beat, and the other person would program the drums, arrangement and mix master based on the melody. We often prompted each other on some issues and did some things together. The only difficulty is the cooperation over the Internet because the understanding is a little weaker than in real life, while the cooperation where you can meet with someone and do everything live is something beautiful and I am not able to mention any disadvantages and difficulties.

Thank you for answering all the questions, in a word of conclusion, I will ask the question that I try to ask everyone in this series. With which musical artist would you like to create a piece in the future in this way?

ㅤ(After thinking about it for a while) "Kordhell" is a performer with whom I would like to create a project in the future. I could listen to his music during practically every activity of life. His style is very good in my opinion, but it would not suit everyone. Unfortunately, in order to start some kind of cooperation with him I would have to match his skills at least a little and get more into the style of production he represents.


With these words we end the interview together. Thank you for making it to the end. If you liked the listens posted in the article, I encourage you to check out the links below where you can find more of the author's projects. Additionally, I encourage you to look forward to the next interview, which will hopefully come sooner. Farewell, until next time!

// Winvanity

Balcer4k's Spotify profile:

(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/artist/3amAD2mSUqqbHnKBBykhLE?utm_source=generator&theme=0)

Balcer4k's Youtube profile: https://youtube.com/@prodbybalcer4k
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