Time To Dance!

Oh music, what would life be like without it. I really don't want to know. I have so many life anthems,songs that take me back to a certain time in my life. Not all happy, but I can look back and rejoice at where I am now. These songs are like markers in my life. Highlighting the best and the worst of times. So poignant, so important for my growth. So today, I want to take you all back a little. First to the 90s, until we end up at 2013.


I enjoy such a wide genre of music, this is just a small glimpse into a part of my life, where I was beginning to explore who I was, who I was becoming. This first one, is a classic, which I imagine many will remember. I was entering my teenage years and this following song, had a certain amount of attitude that really appealed to my younger, insecure self and it was the start of my love of Hip Hop.

1990 A Tribe Called Quest, Can I Kick It? With samples from Lou Reed's, Take A Walk On The Wild Side, Ian Dury's, What A Waste and a few other songs from different artists, mixed in as well. This song is a whole vibe. I love how it mixes different genres of music, alongside old school Hip Hop. It has such a wonderful psychedelic feel to it. It's definitely one you will find me bopping to and I love listening to it with my headphones on, whilst I'm walking into town, where yes, I have been know to bust a few moves along the way.

Next up is Dreadzone, Here We Go (2005). I'm a huge fan of Dreadzone, an English group, that play a fusion of Dub, Reggae, Electronic, and Trip Hop. They are amazing live and I have been fortunate to have seen them twice. I was in my late teens, when I first heard of them, finding myself in London after leaving Ireland to study Mental Heakth nursing. I spend many hours listening to them in a cloud of smoke whilst dancing. I felt like a fish out of water when I first moved to London, coming from the countryside. Music certainly put me at ease. This song though, came later, but its one of my favourites to dance to. I love the energy ot brings. It's still my go to, when I need a lift. To be honest so many of their songs would have to go into the soundtrack of my life, which I imagine would stretch many albums lol.

Finally, ( cos this time I'm sticking to the rules, you hear that @ablaze, there's not many that can make me follow rules) we have The Renegade, rom Friend Within (2013). Which is a remix of The Renegade Master. The original wasn't really on my radar when it first came out in the 90s, but this remix certainly caught my attention. It's got a jungle vibe to it and I do have a soft spot for jungle music. I do love good bass. This song always has me up dancing and if I go to a party and this is playing, I know I'm going to have a good time. I've danced to ot so much, cos it's been remixed so much, it really takes me back to my care free party days.



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