Three Tune Tuesday - Introducing Alex Serra

I discovered Alex Serra, during lockdown. He is an amazing Artist from Barcelona. His music creates such a magical vibe and it always brings me yo s peace of calm and stillness.

He has such a soulful voice, with such incredible range. He creates his own dub influenced beats and music, that compliments his voice beautifully.


At a time when the world was turned upside down. I wanted to listen to music that made me feel free, that made me feel alive. Music that was spreading positive and empowering vibes and messages. Music that reminded us what life is all about.

Alex does, just that very well and next weekend I'm going to see him perform live in Granada and I cannot wait.

This song, called "Outer Space", creates such a vibe from the moment it starts. Everything seems to soften when I listen to it.

oh child,
You're from outer space, you bring the beauty and the light
To this world we live in."

I just feel myself melt into his words and music and I love to groove to it always with a big smile on my face.

Next up is "Human".

If your roots are growing strong,
my friend,
and no more lies will bring you down,
Feel the power of your song, extend"

What powerful words to start a song with. Which are usually sang alongside an awesome beat with a heavy bass, so grounding. But, I chose to share his acoustic version, to really showcase his talent, as he calls you back into nature.

"So Free". This song is exactly what I wanted to listen to during lockdown. A reminder that we are free, once we choose to be. Once we take back our power. Such a wonderful mantra.

This song takes me on such a beautiful journey as I listen to all the wonderful sounds that he weaves together, as his voice soars.

I know I'm only meant to share 3 tunes, but I was never one to follow the rules. Not all of the time anyway.
This song "Ahora" which means Now, is about letting go of your fears and he shares his message, so soulfully.
I really wanted to share one of his songs that he sings in his native language as I feel their is an even extra beauty to it.

Thanks to @ablaze for keeping this wonderful initiative going. It's been a while since I shared, but as I'm going to see Alex perform next week, I wanted you'll to see why I'm so excited.



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