Three Tune Tuesday - My Favorite Satriani Songs

Its time for another #threetunetuesday again by @ablaze

I've been listening to Joe Satriani for years and have most his full albums. Summer song is what I first heard from him during an internship in Pittsburg on the 4th of July at a huge fireworks show. They were blasting off fireworks on the three rivers park area and blasting this song. Now that I see the video it still fits the song well lol.

This one is called Attack. It has the hilarious late 90s breakbeat drums in the back with wild guitar solos over it. Makes me want to watch an old Blade movie with bad cgi.

Speaking of bad but hilarious cgi here is one of his new songs called Save the Elephants on Mars. I think his kid might have made or directed the video? Its pretty trippy.

Thats all for now thanks for looking :-)

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