Three Tune Tuesday - High School Coach Music

Its another #threetunetuesday by @ablaze this time I'll feature songs my high school coach used to play to try and pump us up for the game.

This first one was an obvious choice as our team mascot was a tiger. We used to practice early in the morning and we would mock this song as "you've got the eyes of the tired and you just want to go back to beeeeed". Then we would get yelled at and sent running back and forth on the basketball court lol.

This next one was played right before the game, I'm not sure why my coach played this other than maybe he liked the military aspect of the music video. Either that or he knew we were gonna get beaten by the other team lol. Also this guy was a retired army colonel so anything military was cool to him.

If we did manage to win this was the obvious choice to play on the way back home on the bus. We usually made it to state playoffs then would get completely demolished by an Apache reservation's basketball team in our school's division. Those guys wouldn't even run plays, all they did was run and pass and sometimes even dunk lol. Thet also had a pro level court due to state funding of the reservation. Our court was something left over from the 20s. Maybe they real key was they had better music to pump them up like Iron Maiden.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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