The Greatest Greatest Song?

This is going to be a rather short post.
Some people might be asking.

What is a Greatest Greatest Song?

Some might think it's a typo... It's not.

A Greatest Greatest Song, is a song a rap artist makes to show his rap skills and wordplay aptitude. A song used to lay claim at being in the rank of The Greatest.
What characterizes these songs as like before mentioned: The Rap Rhyme, flow, wordplay, best and influence.

In the musical industry, Drake is one name which is quite prominent, even more so after the rather shocking video of his willy been shown on social media.
Although his height of prominence could be argued to be after the dropping of the song "First Person Shooter."

This song blew, hard rhymes, lovely wordplay and a great beat. Yet nothing prepared fans for the video.
It had different references to different previous trends that it really fascinated everyone and everything.
It was a crazy music video that even for rap fans, they'll enjoy watching it, because it's just that showy.

Although, because of this, some people begin calling the Song, "First Person Shooter", itself the greatest greatest song around.

And that's just bullswash.

In my opinion, there are other songs which are way better than this and I'm excluding the iconic and ever formidable "Rap God of Eminem."

Hence this #ttt post is made just to post three songs which I think are better than First Person Shooter, in the race for the Greatest.

Rigamortus Remix ~ Kendrick Lamar

95. South ~ J. Cole

ISIS ~ Joyner Lucas

These 3 songs should help support my claim, although First Person Shooter's video is way better.

Heck 95. South and Rigamortus Remix doesn't have a video 😂😂😔

Regardless these songs wordplay, rhyme, flow and beats are way better.

What do y'all think?

#ttt or #threetunestuesday is a music contest made by @ablaze where we share three tunes on Tuesday.
These tunes are added to a digital library where everyone can go and listen to.
Not only produced songs, covers and your own personal songs are welcome 🤗.

  • Image used was gotten from Pixabay

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