Pick up Dem Feet - Three Tune Tuesday

Hail to the Hive!

It's Three Tube Tuesday again, inspired by @ablaze and I'm going down a whole different rabbit hole today showcasing some other tunes that uplift my soul and get my toes tapping.

First up Dreadzone ' Soundcheck'

Now I used to listen to Dreadzone a whole heap back in the 90's and spent many an hour dancining ( badly) to their bass driven rhythms in festival fields. However it was duting the pandemic at my closed dive shop that this tune really uplifted me as I played it LOUDLY at my dive shop bar while I sat alone on at the beachfront bar (which was also closed) keeping an eye on the premises during the day. We had a security guard at night and then just me in the day during lockdown keeping an eye on things. I distinctly remember this tune giving me such an emotional lift one day, such was my pure enjoyment of it, and I had a jaunty little jig in the sun all by my lonesome, and even though the bar was techinically closed I helped myself to a few beers. Well why wouldn't you, it was my bar anyways!

Now this was my summer soundtrack for 1995. This tune was played everywhere that glorious summer and seem to encapsulate the vibe of that whole summer feeling. Fesitvals, pubs and clubs. Superb and still sounds as fresh today nearly 3 decades later. turn the bass up for all of these!

And my last selection I stumbled across during the lockdown while searching for dub style tunes to play beachfront to keep my mind in a positive focus and a smile on my face. I found a bunch of Dub FX collaborations that are all worth a listen

So my Music loving Hivian friends, a different stylr from me this week but then thats what I love about Three Tune Tuesdays. Gives me an excuse to mentally flick though my musical library and see what flavour I fancy




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