Tiziano Ferro: A Very Sexy Italian Voice (#TTT) ~ [Eng-Spa]

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聽 Saludos querida Comunidad de #Music. Today is Tuesday and it's time to talk about good music. This day I want to write a few lines about a Sexy Italian Singer better known as Tiziano Ferro who at the age of 44 is still active in the musical world since 1997.

聽 Saludos querida Comunidad de #Music. Hoy es martes y toca aprovecharlo para hablar de buena m煤sica. Este d铆a quiero escribir algunas l铆neas sobre un Sexy Cantante Italiano mejor conocido como Tiziano Ferro quien a la edad de 44 se sigue manteniendo activo en el mundo musical desde 1997.

聽 The truth is that I had a few years without hearing anything from him, to be exact since 2008 for me he was swallowed by the earth and I did not hear anything more of him musically. I found out from this post why he disappeared and what happened to him, it makes me identify with him for being so sincere and say things without fear, but doing this as always happens to me, brings problems and misunderstandings. I mean, I understand him and I don't judge him for what he did because it has happened to me: talking too much, being honest and being misunderstood.

聽 So basically this is what happened to him in an interview he was given while in Mexico where in 2006 he stated that she did not consider the women of this country beautiful because they are, and I quote: Mustachioed. These words made him not only scratched negatively with the Mexican public but also with the Latin American public in general.

聽 La verdad es que ten铆a unos cuantos a帽os sin escuchar nada de 茅l, para ser exacta desde el 2008 para m铆 se lo trag贸 la tierra y no supe m谩s nada de 茅l a nivel musical. Armando este post me enter茅 el por qu茅 de su desaparici贸n y lo que le pas贸, me hace identificarme con 茅l por ser tan sincero y decir las cosas sin miedo, pero hacer esto como siempre me pasa, trae problemas y malos entendidos. Es decir, lo entiendo y no lo juzgo por lo que hizo porque a mi me ha pasado: hablar dem谩s, ser honesta y que me malinterpreten.

聽 As铆 que b谩sicamente fue esto lo que le pas贸 en una entrevista que le hicieron estando en M茅xico donde en el 2006 declar贸 que no consideraba bonitas a las mujeres de este pa铆s porque son, y cito: Bigotonas. Estas palabras lo hicieron rayarse negativamente no s贸lo con el p煤blico mexicano sino tambi茅n latinoamericano en general.

聽 Then in 2008, he released a new album in which he did not do so well after giving such a statement, so he wanted to make a special collaboration with Mexican singers belonging to the group RBD better known as Anah铆 and Dulce Mar铆a. Together they managed to make a hit with the song Il Regalo Piu Grande, but this song itself is not one of my favorites.

聽 Then in 2010 he declared himself Gay (which I never really saw coming), but if that makes him happy, good for him. He was not very active on the recording level as such, nor giving concerts worldwide, only in Italy, so commenting and criticizing Mexican women in such a rude way brought him a lot of inconveniences and hindrances.

聽 Luego en el 2008, sac贸 un nuevo disco en el que no le fue tan bien despu茅s de dar semejante declaraci贸n, por lo que quiso hacer una colaboraci贸n especial con cantantes mexicanas pertenecientes al grupo RBD mejor conocidas como Anah铆 y Dulce Mar铆a. Juntos lograron hacer un 茅xito del tema El Regalo Mas Grande, pero esta canci贸n en s铆, no es de mis favoritas.

聽 Luego en el 2010 se declar贸 Gay (cosa que la verdad nunca lo vi venir), pero si eso lo hace feliz, bien por 茅l. Y pues a nivel discogr谩fico no estuvo muy activo como tal, tampoco dando conciertos a nivel mundial, s贸lo por Italia, as铆 que comentar y criticar as铆 de rudo a las mexicanas le trajo bastantes inconvenientes y trabas.

聽 However, like everything in life, after falling so low, you can only get back up and although he was not so successful with a few albums, his latest album called Il mondo 猫 nostro, has a few songs that are worth listening to. What I liked the most about his last album was knowing that he maintains his style, well defined and with interesting techno-pop touches.

聽 And to take advantage of the fact that today is Tuesday, I want to make my #TTT or #ThreeTuneTuesday to join the initiative proposed by @ablaze and participate by leaving you to finish my three favorite songs of this talented singer.

聽 Sin embargo, como todo en la vida, luego de caer tan bajo s贸lo queda levantarse y aunque no tuvo tanto 茅xito con unos cuantos discos, su 煤ltimo album llamado El Mundo Es Nuestro, tiene unas cuantas canciones que valen la pena ser escuchadas. De su 煤ltimo disco lo que me gust贸 m谩s fue saber que mantiene su mismo estilo, bien definido y con toques tecnos-pop bastante interesantes.

聽 Y para aprovechar que hoy es martes, quiero hacer mi #TTT o #ThreeTuneTuesday para unirme a la iniciativa propuesta por @ablaze y participar dej谩ndoles para finalizar mis tres canciones favoritas de este talentoso cantante.

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饾櫧掳 饾煼

聽 Well, so much for my today's post, I hope you liked my selection of Tiziano Ferro music tracks. See you next Tuesday! 馃挄

聽 Bueno, hasta aqu铆 mi publicaci贸n de hoy, espero que les haya gustado mi selecci贸n de temas musicales de Tiziano Ferro. 隆Hasta el pr贸ximo martes! 馃挄

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Front Cover Image (Imagen de Portada) DeepL
Images Used Throughout the Publication (Im谩genes Usadas a lo Largo de la Publicaci贸n)CANVA
Content and Original Text of my Authorship (Contenido y Texto Original de mi Autor铆a) Grammarly Extensi贸n for English corrections (para correcciones en ingl茅s)
LanguageTool for Spanish corrections (para correcciones en espa帽ol)


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