Linkin Park has a New Vocalist (My New #TTT) ~ [Eng - Spa]

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聽 Greetings to all lovers of good #Music in #HIVEUniverse. As it's Tuesday and it's already a custom for me, I want to post again in this fabulous community and dedicate a few lines a little different about Linkin Park, which as you may know is one of my favorite Rock bands.

聽 Saludos a todos los amantes de la buena #Music en #HIVEUniverse. Como es martes y ya es costumbre para m铆, deseo publicar nuevamente en esta fabulosa comunidad y dedicar unas l铆neas un tanto diferentes sobre Linkin Park, que como ya sabr谩n es uno de mis grupos de Rock favoritos.

聽 The reason why I want to talk again about this group, is mainly due to its new member, called Emily Armstrong a 38-year-old girl with experience as a Rock/Metal singer and songwriter.

聽 A few days ago they gave a group presentation, after so many years of absence, the truth is that I thought they had deserted the musical world and I was resigned to the fact that they would no longer be back because to be clear, Chester left some huge shoes to fill.

聽 La raz贸n por la cual quiero hablar nuevamente de esta agrupaci贸n, se debe m谩s que todo a su nueva integrante, llamada Emily Armstrong, una chica de 38 a帽os de edad con experiencia como compositora y cantante de Rock/Metal.

聽 Y es que hace unos d铆as dieron una presentaci贸n en grupo, despu茅s de tantos a帽os ausentes, la verdad cre铆 que ellos hab铆an desertado del mundo musical y estaba resignada a que ya no estar铆an de regreso, porque para ser claros, Chester dej贸 unos zapatos muy grandes que llenar.

聽 But this girl appears and the band welcomes her on stage and the most amazing thing of all was her interpretation of songs sung by Chester and her voice was so familiar to me! She didn't sing like Bennington but how she came close to him when singing made me remember such good times in this band, and many mixed emotions because she turned out to be a gem of a singer.

聽 Sadly, many fans, I don't know if new or old, (the truth, I don't care), don't accept her, for them it was a tremendous shock and an insult that a girl joined the group to replace Chester. They made many memes using pictures of La Oreja de Van Goth or someone called Tongo which turned out to be quite offensive.

聽 Pero aparece esta chica y el grupo le da la bienvenida en el escenario y lo m谩s incre铆ble de todo fue su interpretaci贸n de canciones cantadas por Chester y 隆su voz me result贸 tan familiar! no cant贸 como Bennington pero c贸mo se le acerc贸 al cantar, esto me hizo recordar tan buenos tiempos de esta banda, muchas emociones encontradas porque para m铆, ella result贸 ser una joya de cantante.

聽 Lastimosamente, muchos fans, no s茅 si nuevos o viejos, (la verdad, no me importa), simplemente no la aceptan, para ellos fue un choque tremendo y un insulto que una chica se uniera al grupo para sustituir a Chester. De hecho, hicieron muchos memes usando fotos de La Oreja de Van Goth o de alguien llamado Tongo que para m铆 resultaron ser bastante ofensivos.

聽 I am so happy for them, for their new member, and for being able to continue the Chester Legacy. They are a unique group full of talent and it was a waste to see them inactive for so many years. It is respected and understood that their absence was a product of mourning the loss of such a great vocalist. It hit all of us, myself included.

聽 And I know Emily didn't come to the band to replace Bennington, so I still don't understand why so many fans disagree with the group revamping with her. The way I see it, they are still paying tribute to Chester with this moving forward, with new music, it's the best they can do, out of respect for him and I'm pretty sure it's what he would have wanted too.

聽 Yo la verdad me siento muy feliz por ellos, por su nueva integrante y por ser capaces de continuar con el Legado de Chester. Ellos son una agrupaci贸n 煤nica llena de mucho talento y era un desperdicio verlos inactivos por tantos a帽os. Se respeta y se entiende que su ausencia fue producto del duelo por la p茅rdida de tan grandioso vocalista. A todos nos peg贸, yo incluida.

聽 Y s茅 qu茅 Emily no lleg贸 a la banda para sustituir a Bennington, por lo que sigo sin entender por qu茅 tantos fans est谩n en desacuerdo con que la agrupaci贸n se renueve con ella. Como yo lo veo, ellos le siguen rindiendo homenaje a Chester con este avance, con nueva m煤sica, es lo mejor que pueden hacer, por respeto a 茅l y estoy casi segura de que es lo que 茅l tambi茅n hubiera querido.

聽 Besides, I also admit that for me it was great news, to have them back, their new member, and their logo modified as if merging to these new times, a new beginning. I insist, it was what they needed and I as a fan feel excited about the news that in November they will be releasing their new album and touring the world.

聽 And although two of its members (the drummer and the guitarist) will not participate in the concert tour, I know that the public will receive them with the same affection as when they sang with Chester. Many people also say that the band is no longer Linkin Park and that without these three members, the band is nothing, but for me, that is not the case.

聽 Adem谩s, tambi茅n admito que para m铆 fue una gran noticia, tenerlos de vuelta, su nueva integrante y su logo modificado como fusion谩ndose a estos nuevos tiempos, un nuevo inicio. Yo insisto, era lo que ellos necesitaban y yo como fan me siento emocionada por la noticia de que en noviembre sacar谩n su nuevo disco y estar谩n de gira mundial.

聽 Y aunque dos de sus integrantes (el baterista y el guitarrista) no participar谩n de la gira del concierto, s茅 que el p煤blico los recibir谩 con el mismo cari帽o que cuando cantaban con Chester. Muchos por este detalle tambi茅n dicen que ya la banda no es Linkin Park que sin estos tres integrantes la banda es nada, pero para m铆, no es as铆.

饾櫦饾殺 饾櫧饾殠饾殸 饾殐饾殬饾殭 饾煿 #饾殐饾殐饾殐

聽 And as usual I also want to dedicate this post to the #TTT or #ThreeTuneTuesday initiative, thus participating again in the idea proposed by @ablaze so long ago. I had already made my top 3 of this group, but with everything that has happened, I am obliged to present my second #Top3 of Linkin Park.

聽 Y como es costumbre tambi茅n quiero volver a aprovechar y dedicar este post a la iniciativa de #TTT o #ThreeTuneTuesday, participando as铆 nuevamente de la idea propuesta por @ablaze hace ya tanto tiempo. Mi top 3 de esta agrupaci贸n ya lo hab铆a hecho, pero con todo lo ocurrido, me veo en la obligaci贸n de presentar mi segundo #Top3 de Linkin Park.

饾櫧掳 饾煿

饾櫧掳 饾煾

饾櫧掳 饾煼

聽 Let me know in the comments what you think of all this, do you like this new version of Linkin Park with Emily, are you happy like me to have them back, or would you rather it was business as usual and stop producing music? See you next Tuesday!

聽 D茅jenme saber en los comentarios 驴qu茅 piensan de todo esto?, 驴les gusta esta nueva versi贸n de Linkin Park con Emily? 驴Est谩n felices como yo de tenerlos de vuelta? 驴o prefieren que todo sea como antes y dejaran de producir m煤sica? 隆Hasta el pr贸ximo martes! 馃挄

饾櫞饾殨饾殠饾殩饾殠饾殫饾殱饾殰 (饾櫞饾殨饾殠饾殩饾殠饾殫饾殱饾殬饾殰)饾殐饾殬饾殬饾殨饾殰 (饾櫡饾殠饾殯饾殯饾殜饾殩饾殥饾殠饾殫饾殱饾殜饾殰)
Front Cover Image (Imagen de Portada) DeepL
Image of Emily Armstrong (Imagen de Emily Armstrong)CANVA
Images Used Throughout the Publication (Im谩genes Usadas a lo Largo de la Publicaci贸n) Grammarly Extensi贸n for English corrections (para correcciones en ingl茅s)
Content and Original Text of my Authorship (Contenido y Texto Original de mi Autor铆a) LanguageTool for Spanish corrections (para correcciones en espa帽ol)


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