Diana Ankudinova: New Artist Discovered ~ [Eng-Spa]

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聽 Cordial greetings to all the fans of good #Music on #Hive. Today I want to make a special post dedicated to an artist I just discovered. Her name is Diana Ankudinova and she is just 21 years old. She's a Russian singer with a unique voice. Join me to discover more about her.

聽 Saludos cordiales a todos los fan谩ticos de la buena #Music en #Hive. Hoy quiero hacer un post especial dedicado a una artista que acabo de descubrir. Ella se llama Diana Ankudinova y apenas tiene 21 a帽itos. Es una cantante rusa con una voz 煤nica. Acomp谩帽ame a descubrir m谩s sobre ella.

Diana is characterized as a singer with a voice tone known as Contralto, meaning that she can handle very low and very high tones (if I'm not mistaken). This seemed incredible to me and I stumbled upon her by chance on YouTube, with a video titled Woman who sings like an angel and a demon at the same time 馃ぃ.

Diana se caracteriza por ser una cantante con un tono de voz que se conoce como Contralto, es decir que es capaz de manejar tonos muy graves y tonos muy agudos (si no me equivoco). Esto me pareci贸 incre铆ble y di con ella por casualidad en YouTube, con un video titulado Mujer que canta como 谩ngel y demonio a la vez 馃ぃ

聽 She in that video as you can see, sings a gothic version of Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley. A version that has enchanted millions of people. For me, she is unique with a spectacular voice that delights the ears of anyone who hears her.

聽 Ella en ese video como pueden observar, canta una versi贸n g贸tica de Can't Help Falling in Love de Elvis Presley. Versi贸n que ha encantado a millones de personas. Para m铆 ella es 煤nica con una voz espectacular que delita los o铆dos de cualquiera que le oiga.

聽 Although he's just getting started in the music world, he only has one album that I haven't stopped listening to titled D.A., which has a total of 9 songs with an electro-pop style that reminds me a little bit of the one Cher used to use. It also has some soft songs that I think are romantic (I say I think because I don't understand Russian) but it sounds so good that I don't mind that he speaks another language.

聽 Aunque apenas est谩 incursionando en el mundo musical, solo tiene un disco que no he dejado de escuchar titulado D.A., el cual tiene un total de 9 canciones con estilo electro-pop que me recuerda un poco al que usaba Cher. Tambi茅n tiene unas canciones suaves que creo que son rom谩nticas (digo creo porque no entiendo ruso) pero se escucha tan bien que no me importa que hable otro idioma.

聽 Her album was released in 2021 and she is just jumping to fame. However, she discovered at a very young age that she loves to sing and has participated in countless Russian Musical Talent Shows. Also, I'm pretty sure that her gothic version of Can't Help Fallin in Love has been one of the songs that have made her most known worldwide on YouTube and has allowed her to get around 1.51 million followers on her YouTube channel.

聽 Su album fue lanzado en el 2021 y ella apenas est谩 saltando a la fama. Sin embargo, desde muy ni帽a descubri贸 que le encanta cantar y ha participado en innumerables Show de Talentos Musicales en Rusia. Adem谩s, estoy casi segura que su versi贸n g贸tica de Can't Help Fallin in Love ha sido una de las canciones que m谩s la han dado a conocer a nivel mundial por YouTube y le ha permitido conseguir alrededor de 1.51 millones de seguidores en su canal de dicha plataforma.

聽 Her latest single is titled Good Girl and she sings it in English. As far as I can see she is still digging into music to establish her style. Although I think she already has it, I love the Egyptian-like touch she gives to this song with an instrument that plays after the chorus (I don't know what the name of the instrument is) but I know it's the same one they used in a t.A.T.u. song called Stars.

聽 Su m谩s reciente sencillo se titula Good Girl y la canta en ingl茅s. Por lo que veo ella sigue indagando en la m煤sica para lograr establecer un estilo propio. Aunque yo considero que ya lo tiene, de esta canci贸n me encanta el toque como egipcio que le da con un instrumento que suena despu茅s del coro (no s茅 c贸mo se llama dicho instrumento) pero s茅 que es el mismo que usaron en una canci贸n de t.A.T.u. llamada Stars.

Diana is a spectacular talent. After hearing her voice for the first time, my skin crawled with excitement and seeing what she is capable of achieving. After that there was no turning back, I went to her YouTube channel and Spotify to listen to more of her songs. I mean, I can't stop listening to her. It became my favorite just by listening to it once.

Diana tiene un talento espectacular. Tras escuchar por primera vez su voz se me eriz贸 la piel de la emoci贸n y ver de lo que es capaz de lograr. Ya despu茅s de eso no hubo vuelta atr谩s, me fui director a su canal de YouTube y en Spotify para escuchar m谩s de sus canciones. Es decir, no puedo dejar de escucharla. Se volvi贸 mi favorita con tan s贸lo escucharla una sola vez.

聽 I for one hope she continues to compose music and I wish to see her continue to shine to enjoy her beautiful voice. And although I believe that she is still only participating in Talent Show programs back in Russia, I am sure that after that she will jump to worldwide fame very quickly.

聽 Yo por mi parte espero que siga componiendo m煤sica y deseo seguirla viendo brillar para disfrutar de su hermosa voz. Y aunque creo que ella sigue participando solamente en programas de Show de Talentos all谩 en Rusia, estoy segura que ya luego de eso saltar谩 a la fama a nivel mundial muy r谩pido.

聽 Someone with her natural talent simply cannot go unnoticed. I just hope she keeps her style, and identity and above all stays healthy (drug-free). She's a super cute and talented girl with everything to gain. If you haven't heard her, I recommend you check out her YouTube channel.

聽 Alguien con su talento nato simplemente no puede pasar desapercibido. Yo s贸lo espero que conserve su estilo, identidad y sobre todo se mantenga sana (sin consumir drogas). Es una chica super linda y talentosa con todas las de ganar. Si no la has escuchado, te recomiendo pasar por su canal de YouTube.

聽 Finally, I just want to say that, for me, Diana is like a diamond in the rough, to be more specific, like that giant pink diamond in the rough that appeared in the movie Blood Diamond. One of a kind. So people like that are destined for great things in this life and her voice I'm sure will allow her to do so. Now if I will say goodbye. until a future post! 馃挄

聽 Ya para finalizar s贸lo quiero acotar que, para m铆, Diana es como un diamante en bruto, para ser m谩s espec铆fica, como aquel diamante rosado gigante en bruto que sali贸 en la pel铆cula Diamante de Sangre. 脷nico en su tipo. Por lo que personas as铆 est谩n destinadas a cosas muy grandes en esta vida y su voz estoy segura que se lo permitir谩. Ahora si me despido. 隆Hasta una pr贸xima publicaci贸n! 馃挄

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Front Cover Image (Imagen de Portada) DeepL
Images Used Throughout the Publication (Im谩genes Usadas a lo Largo de la Publicaci贸n)CANVA
Album Cover Image (Imagen de Portada del Album) Grammarly for English corrections (para correcciones en ingl茅s)
Content and Original Text of my Authorship (Contenido y Texto Original de mi Autor铆a) Microsoft 365 Word for corrections in Spanish (para correcciones en espa帽ol)


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