CLANN: Mi Grupo Ambient Favorito (Spa-Eng)


ย  Saludos gente hermosa de HIVE amante de la buena mรบsica que dan vida a la Comunidad de #Music. Desde hace algรบn tiempo he querido armar este post especial para hablarles un poco de este grupo canadience, con un estilo รบnico que estoy segura que a muchos les encantarรก al igual que a mรญ. Se trata de CLANN.

ย  Greetings beautiful people of HIVE lovers of good music that give life to the #Music Community. For a while now I've wanted to put together this special post to tell you a little bit about this canadience group, with a unique style that I'm sure many will love just like me. It's about CLANN.

ย  Este grupo surgiรณ en primera instancia de la mano y mente del compositor, cineasta, artista e ilustrador llamado Sebastian McKinnon, en colaboraciรณn con la grandiosa cantante Charlotte Loseth (ambos canadiences) y la violinista francesa Chloรฉ Picard. Su gรฉnero musical se caracteriza por ser Trip-Hop, el cual utiliza estilos electrรณnicos y downtempo que se enfoca en ritmos suaves y relajantes.

ย  This group first emerged from the hand and mind of composer, filmmaker, artist, and illustrator Sebastian McKinnon, in collaboration with the great singer Charlotte Loseth (both Canadian) and French violinist Chloรฉ Picard. Their musical genre is characterized as Trip-Hop, which uses electronic and downtempo styles that focus on soft and relaxing rhythms.

ย  El hermano de Sebastian, llamado Benjamin, tambiรฉn colaborรณ con รฉl para la producciรณn de sus dos discos, sin embargo el grupo como tal estรก conformado por sรณlo los tres primeros integrantes. A pesar de esto, el creator de CLANN ha indicado en varias entrevistas que estรก dispuesto a recibir colaboraciones de diferentes artistas que quieran trabajar con รฉl.

ย  The brother of Sebastian, named Benjamin, also collaborated with him for the production of his two albums, however, the group as such is made up of only the first three members. Despite this, the creator of CLANN has indicated in several interviews that he is willing to receive collaborations from different artists who want to work with him.

ย  En cuanto a su mรบsica y estilo, me recuerda mucho a las canciones que usaban en la serie de Juego de Tronos, El Seรฑor de los Anillos e incluso en pelรญculas o series con temas nรณrdicos y mitolรณgicos. Esto se debe a que CLANN se enfoca en crear mรบsica que estรฉ orientada a los cuentos de hadas e historias de Caballeros y Dragones. Con esto busca dar a conocer mucho mรกs de la cultura de su gente, asรญ como de Irlanda, Escosia, Polonia y otros paรญses europeos.

ย  As for their music and style, it reminds me of the songs they used in the Game of Thrones series, Lord of the Rings and even in movies or series with Nordic and mythological themes. This is because CLANN focuses on creating music that is oriented to fairy tales and stories of Knights and Dragons. With this, he seeks to make much more of his people's culture known, as well as that of Ireland, Scotland, Poland, and other European countries.

ย  Su inspiraciรณn musical tambiรฉn proviene de su crianza y la uniรณn familiar que posee desde pequeรฑo con las personas que ama. Trata a sus colaboradores tambiรฉn como si fueran parte de su familia, y de hecho el nombre CLANN proviene de la lengua celta antigua que significa familia, por lo que quiso plasmar ese detalle desde sus inicios, los cuales empezaron alredor del periodo 2013-2015.

ย  His musical inspiration also comes from his upbringing and the family bond he has had since he was a child with the people he loves. He treats his collaborators also as if they were part of his family, and the name CLANN comes from the ancient Celtic language meaning family, so he wanted to capture that detail from his beginnings, which started around 2013-2015.

ย  Actualmente sรณlo ha sacado dos รกlbunes, de los cuales, a mi parecer, el segundo es muchรญsimo mejor que el primero, es decir, su mรบsica suena mรกs mitolรณgica, misteriosa y relajante. A mรญ particularmente me gusta escuchar este grupo para trabajar cuando me toca hacer investigaciones acadรฉmicas, redactar mis post o simplemente para relajarme si estoy muy estresada.

ย  Currently they have only released two albums, of which, in my opinion, the second one is much better than the first one, that is to say, their music sounds more mythological, mysterious, and relaxing. I particularly like to listen to this band for work when I have to do academic research, write my posts or just to relax if I'm very stressed.

ย  En el 2023 lanzรณ un nuevo sencillo llamado Arise, y aunque desde entonces no ha publicado nada nuevo, yo espero que pronto se anime a sacar otro disco ya que su mรบsica es bastante nueva. Yo lo descubrรญ por Spotify, me saliรณ como sugerencia luego de escuchar tantas veces a Agnes Obel. Su arte en las portadas de sus discos fue lo que capturรณ mi curiosidad y decidรญ darles una oportunidad. Desde entonces son mi grupo Ambient favorito.

ย  In 2023 he released a new single called Arise, and although he hasn't released anything new since then, I hope he will soon release another album as his music is quite new. I discovered him through Spotify, he came to me as a suggestion after listening to Agnes Obel so many times. Their album cover art was what captured my curiosity and I decided to give them a chance. Since then they have been my favorite Ambient band.

ย  En este post tambiรฉn les dejo un cortometraje dirigido y protagonizado por Sebastian McKinnon, realizado en el 2018 con el nombre de The Stolen Child, una historia profunda, llena de misterio, soledad, lucha y armonรญa. Espero que les guste. A mi la verdad me agradรณ mucho elaborar este post para ustedes, ya que descubrรญ muchas cosas nuevas que desconocรญa de CLANN.

ย  In this post, I also leave you a short film directed and starring Sebastian McKinnon, made in 2018 named The Stolen Child, a deep story, full of mystery, loneliness, struggle, and harmony. I hope you like it. I enjoyed writing this post for you, as I discovered many new things I didn't know about CLANN.

Artista (Artist)Red Social (Social Media)Plataforma (Plataform)
CLANN Instagram Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music
Sebastian McKinnon Instagram, X---
Chloรฉ Picard Instagram---

ย  Voy a dejarles como plus sus redes sociales para que disfruten al igual que yo de su mรบsica, ya que por lo que logrรฉ investigar no son un grupo tan famoso ni muy conocido a nivel mundial. No obstante, pienso que poseen un talento inigualable y excepcional que los hace destacar en este universo. ยฟUstedes ya los conocรญan? Les deseo un excelente jueves!

ย  I am going to leave you their social networks as a plus so that you can enjoy their music as much as I do because from what I managed to investigate, they are not a very famous or well-known group worldwide. However, their unique talent makes them stand out in this universe. Did you already know them? I wish you an excellent Thursday!

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Imagen de Portada (Front Cover Image) DeepL
Imagen 1 (Image 1)CANVA
Imagen 2 (Image 2): A, B & C---
Imagen 3 (Image 3): A & B---
Contenido y Texto Original de mi Autorรญa (Content and Original Text of my Authorship)---

๐™ผ๐š’๐šœ ๐š๐šŽ๐š๐šŽ๐šœ ๐š‚๐š˜๐šŒ๐š’๐šŠ๐š•๐šŽ๐šœ (๐™ผ๐šข ๐š‚๐š˜๐šŒ๐š’๐šŠ๐š• ๐™ผ๐šŽ๐š๐š’๐šŠ)

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