Overground - Elementary Quantum Particle

Elementary Quantum Particle is a very particular song inside the history of Overground. We were in the end of the process of recording of the disk Sisyphean Endeavour when I composed it. Inspired a lot in the recent interaction with the music of the Obscura band. I introduced the song to Félix Molina and Geovanni Morillo, sending them the score. They loved the song so much that they recorded it in less than one week, thing that they didn't participate me. Félix suggested me a lyric based on scientific disclosure, I consented, we discuss several ideas and arose to make compose a lyric about the Higgs boson particle. I investigated on the topic and I proceeded to create it. To the following week, in the study they played me the song recorded in their entirety. Geovanni played the drums and Félix took charge of all the strings. I had never sing the song, not even to practice it, only I had written it, imagining like the melody went. But, prepared or not, Félix connected the microphone and in a single session I recorded the voice. It was magic, if we had recorded all the songs of the album this way we are not retarded 4 years it. It was the last recording of the band and is a sample of the new ideas that we were gestating in the band. It was the primordial spark

Elementary Quantum Particle es una canción muy particular dentro de la historia de Overground. Estábamos en el final del proceso de grabación del disco Sisyphean Endeavour cuando la compuse. Inspirada mucho en la reciente interactuación con la música de la banda Obscura. Le presenté la canción a Félix Molina y Geovanni Morillo, enviándoles la partitura. La canción les encantó tanto que la grabaron en menos de una semana, cosa que no me participaron. Felix me sugirió una letra basada en divulgación científica, accedí, discutimos varias ideas y surgió hacer componer una letra sobre el Bosón de Higgs. Investigué sobre el tema y procedí a crearla. A la siguiente semana, en el estudio me colocaron el tema grabado en su totalidad. Geovanni tocó la batería y Félix se encargó de todas las cuerdas. Nunca había cantado la canción, ni siquiera para practicarla, solo la había escrito, imaginando como iba la melodía. Pero, preparado o no, Félix conectó el micrófono y en una sola sesión grabé la voz. Fue mágico, si hubiéramos grabado todas las canciones del álbum así no hubiésemos tarado 4 años ello. Es la última grabación de la banda y era una muestra de las nuevas ideas que se estaban gestando en la banda. Era la chispa primordial

Elementary Quantum Particle

Primordial sparkle
Essential particle that compounds everything
Theorist junction of mass
Relationship of tension and energy

From is mere existence all the existence
It's the universe in eternal expansion
It's the black hole, the super nova
Mysterious monitor of a harmonic chaos (catastrophic vacuum decay)

A game of fate is running
To discover the Higgs boson particle
Future, past, others dimensions
To comprehend the god particle

Colliding in inner spaces our reality is tested
The search for truth beyond imagination
Inhabiting in inner spaces our reality is fulfilled
Finding the rules beyond of the creation

In speed of a light
Protons face disintegration
Irradiating components and knowledge
A picture of the transcendental
A miniaturize time
In a little bang
Of material and energy
Truth undiscovered

Point zero of the creation,
Effect and cause of a materialistic beginning
Magic explanation of an unveiled perfection
And the mankind waits with curiosity

From is mere existence all the existence
It's the universe in eternal expansion
It's the black hole, the super nova
Mysterious monitor of a harmonic chaos (catastrophic vacuum decay)

A game of fate is running
From discover the Higgs boson particle
Quantum fluctuations expands through space
And could wipes out all the universe

A little energy fluctuation triggering the quantum tunneling
In the empty vacuum of space between galaxies
By the super symmetry in the standard model
The anti-particle helps to stabilize the universe

L & M: Orlando Cordero.

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