Liquid Drumstep Tune For The Travelers - Travelling Man


In a way, we're all travelers given we're on this ball of rock, hurtling around space, and many probably don't even realise it!

However, in the more "local" sense, traveling around this ball of rock we're on is something that was taken away for a few years and the freedom to travel at will has been changed forever since covid.

It was just over 3 years ago that I came back from my travels to Australia and New Zealand - I'd been saving up money and thought "f**k it, I'm off" - the opportunity came for this once in a lifetime and I just went for it. Hashtag YOLO!

Travelling Man

When I came back, I had to put together a few tracks to relive the experience and out of the 6 I made for the Travel Diaries EP, this track Travelling Man is still one of my favourites.

As soon as I listen to it, I'm taken back to the summer of 2019, the spiritual road trips on my own through New Zealand's south island where I was as far away from anything, just out in the wilderness. Beautiful.

What surprised me the most is that it isn't in my usual drum & bass genre that I love. Although it's got fast percussion and high hats, the main drum and snare are at half-time or in the liquid drumstep theme.

It's one of my most atmospheric and spiritual tracks I think I've made - that's the power of music, it can express in sound and frequencies what can't be expressed in words!

So this is for the travelers - enjoy!

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