Dance Weekend - Gritty Drum & Bass Music


Oh yes crew, it's time for something a little grittier today as the weather in the UK has shown its usual "summery" face with heavy rain and dark skies for the whole day!

This hasn't dampened my spirits though (did you see what I did there...?) and I am in the mood for a bit of a dirty bassline, hope you are too!

Today's track is one that I made a few years ago now which was aptly called "Locked Away" as I was doing extensive work in a lab with no windows, literally like a lab rat lol!

There was a time when I just wanted nothing more than to escape as I was feeling like was just locked away in that dingy place.

So as a way to vent, I made this track which starts off with a synth that has an interesting effect put on it that I was experimenting with at the time, kinda makes it sound a little rusty I guess, rather like the lab I was working in!

Then the bassline was another experiment as I'd not made something like that before which was gritty and grimy, again playing around with the effects on the bass sounds to create the effect that there was some mad raving scientist wanting to escape and throw some shapes!


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