Chilled Liquid DnB - Burning In My Soul


The background image for this track that was released in 2019 was when I travelled to Yosemite Valley and saw this spectacular waterfall on a hike.

The noise, the power, the spray from the water... what a hike that was! Think it was about 10 miles or so but how times have changed in that part of the world with the crazy fires.

On that hike though, we were walking up at the top for a while and then you end up going over the falls, down a steep path to get to this incredible viewpoint and just take it all in.

Our tour guide said that the best time to see falls as spectacular as this would be May time as the snow melts, creating these huge torrents of water - thankfully that's around the time I was there!

If you're into your hiking, definitely worth going to!

Anyway, the track to share today is called Burning In My Soul and was initially made as a tune to show my affection for someone who didn't feel the same way many years ago.

It's the way it goes sometimes but hey, we got a chilled dnb track out of it that we can all enjoy lol.

Spotify and YouTube links are below:

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