[ENG-ESP] music rehearsal day//Día de ensayo Musical

Hello to all friends and friends of made. I share my rehearsal day which was super fun.
I tell you that for today we only chose the songs that go to the pre-congress that we have practically set up. It is a pre-congress aimed at the youth society which has the theme "Arraigados". It reflects our roots, the passion to worship God and the missions that he sends us in his word.

We chose some very lively songs with good lyrics which I share with you so that you can listen.


In Santiago one, verse two
It is written that I have joy
When I go through various tests
Because from there I will emerge victorious

You changed my regret for dance
There is no sadness anymore, only praise

You changed my regret for dance
there is no sadness anymore

I dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance
In the process
And I scream, I scream, I scream, I scream, I scream, I scream
I will not die
I go round, round, round, round, round, round
I am not ashamed
There's a party, party, party, party, party
party in the desert

In Santiago one, verse two
It is written that I have joy
When I go through various tests
Because from there I will emerge victorious

You changed my regret for dance
There is no sadness anymore, only praise

You changed my regret for dance
there is no sadness anymore

I dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance
In the process
And I scream, I scream, I scream, I scream, I scream, I scream
I will not die
I go round, round, round, round, round, round
I am not ashamed
There's a party, party, party, party, party
party in the desert

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

Even if the disease comes
As long as I live I will praise you
Although my lips want to shut up
As long as I live I will praise you
Although the desert wants to dry me
As long as I live I will praise you
Although the fig tree does not bloom
As long as I live I will praise you

You changed my regret for dance
There is no sadness anymore, only praise

You changed my regret for dance
there is no sadness anymore

I dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance
In the process
And I scream, I scream, I scream, I scream, I scream, I scream
I will not die
I go round, round, round, round, round, round
I am not ashamed
There's a party, party, party.

This is our Opening for the congress.

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Hola a todos amigos y amigas de hice. Les comparto mi día de ensayo el cuál estuvo super divertido .
Les cuento que por hoy solo escogimos las canciones que van para el precongreso que tenemos prácticamente montado . Es un precongreso dirigido a la sociedad de jóvenes el cuál tiene como tema "Arraigados". Refleja nuestras raíces, la pasión por adorar a Dios y las misiones que el nos manda en su palabra.

Escogimos unas canciones muy movidas y con buena letra la cual les comparto para que puedan escuchar.


En santiago uno, verso dos
Está escrito que tenga gozo
Cuando pase por diversas pruebas
Porque de allí saldré victorioso

Mi lamento cambiaste por danza
Ya no hay tristeza, solo alabanza

Mi lamento cambiaste por danza
Ya no hay tristeza

Yo danzo, danzo, danzo, danzo, danzo, danzo
En el proceso
Y grito, grito, grito, grito, grito, grito
No moriré
Doy vueltas, vueltas, vueltas, vueltas, vueltas, vueltas
No me avergüenzo
Hay fiesta, fiesta, fiesta, fiesta, fiesta
Fiesta en el desierto

En santiago uno, verso dos
Está escrito que tenga gozo
Cuando pase por diversas pruebas
Porque de allí saldré victorioso

Mi lamento cambiaste por danza
Ya no hay tristeza, solo alabanza

Mi lamento cambiaste por danza
Ya no hay tristeza

Yo danzo, danzo, danzo, danzo, danzo, danzo
En el proceso
Y grito, grito, grito, grito, grito, grito
No moriré
Doy vueltas, vueltas, vueltas, vueltas, vueltas, vueltas
No me avergüenzo
Hay fiesta, fiesta, fiesta, fiesta, fiesta
Fiesta en el desierto

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

Aunque venga la enfermedad
Mientras viva te alabaré
Aunque mis labios quieran callar
Mientras viva te alabaré
Aunque el desierto me quiera secar
Mientras viva te alabaré
Aunque la higuera no florezca
Mientras viva te alabaré

Mi lamento cambiaste por danza
Ya no hay tristeza, solo alabanza

Mi lamento cambiaste por danza
Ya no hay tristeza

Yo danzo, danzo, danzo, danzo, danzo, danzo
En el proceso
Y grito, grito, grito, grito, grito, grito
No moriré
Doy vueltas, vueltas, vueltas, vueltas, vueltas, vueltas
No me avergüenzo
Hay fiesta, fiesta, fiesta.

Éste es nuestro Opening para el congreso.

Gracias por leerme
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