Hello Hive Music Lovers!,

Welcome to another #threetunetuesday created originally by @ablaze.

I hope you are having a great start to the week. Today I thought I would go with some cool tunes by INXS. Michael Hutchence had an amazing talent and his personality seemed to touch and impress most people whom he interacted with.

It was very sad to lose him so early, he sang some great tunes and sold a huge amount of records. The amount of records he sold is unfathomable in todays world, especially when you think they didn't get the acclaim they should have.

The first tune is a big hit of the band reached number 3 in the US but not being number 1 anywhere surprisingly. It is a distinct sound and has that awesome 80s vibe to it, but somehow feeling that blending towards the upcoming 90s.

I was not a huge Hutchence fan when I was younger, and only really new about him by seeing some of the media coverage of Paula Yates.

Despite their tragic backstory, this is a pretty uplifting tune and shows the charisma of the band and of Michael. INXS is listed as a rockband, but is it more pop/rock really? Compared to some stars of today, it is noticeable the lack of tats and I remember the phases when leather jackets and then denim came in fashion.

New Sensation

The second tune for today was released a couple of years later but for me seems even huge in my memory but it didn't get the chart success you might have thought. Although the 80s was competitive with many great tunes.

I think INXS became more legendary once Michael sadly passed away. I really love the piano intro which then switches to the live performance. It gives a great enjoyable contrast.

It is one of those tunes that has stood the test of time I think and dare I say underrated.


The final tune is a tune that I am surprised was not more successful than it was. It is one of their most viewed on youtube at least.

Another late 80s track from the band with some powerful lyrics written by Michael himself. It has a powerful musical background with a very different style from Michael compared to his other tracks. I thought this might appeal more to the ladies out there.

The video was filmed in Prague and has some lovely scenes that accomanpy the tune. Another classic 80s gem in my book.

Never Tear Us Apart

Bonus Track

Ok, today we get a bonus track so that we can finish on a high. A pretty cool uplifting tune showcasing more variety from the band.

Again, not really smashing the charts at number 1 like it deserves in my book, but a classic gem and has that sound bridging the 80s to 90s I think. It is one of those tunes that could fit in either decade.

I think the lyrics and melody are pretty catchy and one of my personal favs! Nice and easy lyrics too. "do do do, do do do".. haha

That wraps up my #ttt for this week. I hope you are having a great musical Tuesday. Whats your favorite INXS tune and what are you listening to this week?

For those unfamiliar with TTT or Three Tune Tuesday.... to quote @ablaze :

The jist is as follows
Every Tuesday I'm going to share 3 songs which I like to listen to and I invite your feedback in the comments below. Better still, why not have a blast of your own Three Tune Tuesday and mention me in the post and I'll come and find the post and upvote it. If you could also use #threetunetuesday tag that would be great, as that is what I use when sifting through all the entries every Wednesday. It'll be a sweet way for us all to discover new music. You'll also be in with a chance of winning the prize.

Be sure to head over and give @ablaze some support as without his great work, we wouldn't have a #ttt.

The linked videos are not owned by me, I am sharing just the link to the copyright owner's video. No copyright infringement is intended.
Used under fair-use section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976.

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