TTT - Cyberpunk Girlfriends

Hello Hive Music Gang!

Welcome to another #threetunetuesday created originally by @ablaze.

There is the saying that we are all going to get girlfriends this cycle, well if not this one, the next one.. 😉 But what type of girlfriend will we get? I am thinking we could get an AI girlfriend which for crypto nerds is probably accurate.

If I was going to chose my favorite AI girlfriend, it would probably be Anna de Armas from Bladerunner 2049 fame. Although the film was terrible, she was great as the AI girlfriend and would be on the top of my AI girlfriends list.

You can catch some of her in this awesome synthwave tune from Narvent which as an awesome 4K music video to accompany it. I often like to listen to this tune when I am fancying to listen to synthwave.

VØJ, Narvent - Memory Reboot

As if that wasn't enough, there is the remix of memory boot Lonely where you can listen to more synthwave with Ana de Armas... it is a slowed down version of Memory Reboot but feels like a totally new tune.

I have been watching Ex Machina recently and it has been interesting seeing how the interactions with AI and it seems very easy for people to get attached and care for AI and maybe they can also be girlfriends in the future?

However, we are only a few days past August 29th when Skynet became self aware and tried to kill us all. Can we be sure that our AI girlfriends won't go rogue? I mean, who wouldn't trust such a pretty face like Ana?

LONELY - Blade Runner 2049

The final tune is another Narvent remix of Moonlit and tribute to Blade Runner. Synthwave is a great genre and fits in with the futuristic AI future quite well.

We saw from the Russian sci fi show Better than Us that the AI robots are coded with laws that they should not harm humans. This was also seen in Robocop but did not end so well there.

If the AI robots will be so strong and powerful, is it inevitable that they could be used for bad and not just good things? If our current world is anything to go by, then probably yes.

Or perhaps like in the tv series Foundation which is based on awesome sci fi by Isaac Asimov, AI will rule and save us. I mean, that sort of makes sense as like with Bitcoin, we cannot trust people to stay honest, but we can trust the code.

VØJ Narvent - Moonlit (Slowed + Reverd)

That wraps up my #ttt for this week. Do you have a favorite AI girlfriend or tune?

For those unfamiliar with TTT or Three Tune Tuesday.... to quote @ablaze :

The jist is as follows
Every Tuesday I'm going to share 3 songs which I like to listen to and I invite your feedback in the comments below. Better still, why not have a blast of your own Three Tune Tuesday and mention me in the post and I'll come and find the post and upvote it. If you could also use #threetunetuesday tag that would be great, as that is what I use when sifting through all the entries every Wednesday. It'll be a sweet way for us all to discover new music. You'll also be in with a chance of winning the prize.

Be sure to head over and give @ablaze some support as without his great work, we wouldn't have a #ttt.

The linked videos are not owned by me, I am sharing just the link to the copyright owner's video. No copyright infringement is intended.
Used under fair-use section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976.

Title image created using image source and clipart from Canva.

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