What are you listening to today? No.21 - 08032022


"Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140" - Sebastian Bach

To tell the truth, I have no idea what they are singing in German. Well, I should have learned German when I was working with lots of German colleagues in my previous work! Somehow I didn't have any interest to learn German, but I feel very regretful now that I didn't take that opportunity as a chance to learn German.

What are you listening to today? Today, I am doing some repetitive chores so that I am listening to Bach so that I can concentrate on what I do. I didn't know that this song was about Christianity until I read the translation below lol! Well, Back you did pretty awesome work! Can't believe that he wrote this piece almost 300 years ago~ Wow!

Violino I/II e Viola all' unisono, Continuo

Zion hört die Wächter singen,
Zion hears the watchmen sing,

Das Herz tut ihr vor Freuden springen,
her heart leaps for joy,

Sie wachet und steht eilend auf.
she awakes and gets up in haste.

Ihr Freund kommt vom Himmel prächtig,
Her friend comes from heaven in his splendour,

Von Gnaden stark, von Wahrheit mächtig,
strong in mercy, mighty in truth.

Ihr Licht wird hell, ihr Stern geht auf.
Her light becomes bright, her star rises.

Nun komm, du werte Kron,
Now come, you worthy crown,

Herr Jesu, Gottes Sohn!
Lord Jesus, God's son!


Wir folgen all
We all follow

Zum Freudensaal
to the hall of joy

Und halten mit das Abendmahl.
and share in the Lord's supper.

🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦
🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦

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