What are you listening to today? No. 24 - 08062022


"Victory Carp" - Hiroshima Carp Baseball song 🐠

Today, August 6th, 1945, 8:15, the very first automatic bomb was dropped in #Hiroshima ......it was such a tragic day for Japan. And, three days later, on August 9th, the second atomic bomb was dropped in #Nagasaki . Then, on August 15th, Japan surrendered. It is the day when World War II ended.

The USA entered the Pacific War after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. It is hard to imagine now that Japan and the USA used to fight against each other, and died so many people in both countries. It was a sad part of history between Japan and the USA.

My grandmother was working as a nurse in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture, when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, and she told me that she saw the sound of the explosion and the flash of the atomic bomb early in the morning when it was dropped. She told me that many people from Hiroshima City evacuated to Kure City afterward, and many came to the hospital where my grandmother worked to ask for help. Grandma was 15 years old at the time and told me that she worked with the doctors and other nurses to provide possibly the best help she could at that age to the injured citizens. She told me how sad it was that so many people died because of the lack of medical supplies, and that she didn't like to talk about her memories of the war years because they were so sad.

There are no winners in war.

The reason why I am listening to the Hiroshima Carp song on the day of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima is that I remember hearing that baseball was once a sport that was taught to the Japanese by Americans, became popular, and spread throughout the country. There are various theories as to its origin, but I remember hearing that before World War II, Japan and the U.S. were close friends and had many private exchanges, and that the friendship between the two countries was one example of how friendship was spread through baseball.

I think we should stop wars, and decide who is superior in sports, such as baseball and soccer. What do you think?! Hah! Isn't it a good idea? In the 21st century, we should not allow barbaric acts such as using military force to suppress other countries, as Russia has done.

In the Olympic Games, the U.S. and Japan still fight through baseball, and the battle is so popular that the whole country cheers for them. Although it is no longer an Olympic sport, I think again that it is good to compete with each other through sports such as baseball instead of wars in which people die.

Hiroshima Carp!! Go for it!

わたしのおばあちゃんは広島に原爆が投下されたとき、広島県呉市で看護師として働いていて、早朝、原爆が投下されたときの爆音と原爆の閃光を見たと話していました。 その後、広島市内からたくさんの人が呉市に避難してきて、多くの人がおばあちゃんの勤務していた病院に来て、助けを求めてきたと話していました。 おばあちゃんはその時、15歳でその年にできる最大の援助を負傷した市民に対して医者や他の看護師と施したと話してくれました。 ただ救援物資が不足し、たくさんの人が亡くなり本当に悲しかったと、あまり戦争時代の思い出でを話すのが悲しい思い出ばかりなのでしたがらないおばあちゃんがかつてしてくれました。


広島に原爆が投下された日に、なぜ広島カープの歌を聞いているかと言うと、野球と言うスポーツはかつてアメリカ人から日本人が教わり、人気がでて国中に広まったスポーツだったとかつて聞いた記憶があります。 詳しい起源は諸説あるのですが、第二次世界大戦以前の日本は米国と仲が良く、民間交流もたくさんあり、両国の友情が野球を通して拡がったのもその一つの例だったと聞いた覚えがあります。

戦争などやめて、野球やサッカーなど、スポーツで優劣を決めればいいと思います。 21世紀にもなって、ロシアのように武力を使って他国を制圧するような蛮行は許されてはいけないと思います。

オリンピック大会では、今でもアメリカと日本が野球を通して戦い、その戦いが国をあげて応援するほど人気があります。 今は、オリンピック競技では無くなったのですが、人が死ぬ戦争ではなく、野球などのスポーツを通して競う合うのはいいことだと改めて思います。

広島カープ~ がんばれ~~~~!


Carp, Carp, Carp
Hiroshima Hiroshima Carp
Swim in the sky and the heavens will open their chests
Today, at this moment, we will surely fight
Far up high, far up high
Raise the banner of glory!
Carp, Carp, Carp
Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Carp
To win is the destiny of the chosen ones
Every pitch, every blow, is the end of the game
Fight with all your might, fight with all your might
Bloom with flowers here and now
Carp, Carp, Carp
Hiroshima Hiroshima Hiroshima Carp


カープ カープ カープ
広島 広島 カープ
空を泳げと 天もまた胸を開く
今日のこの時を 確かに戦い
はるかに高く はるかに高く
カープ カープ カープ
広島 広島 カープ
勝ちにいくのが 選ばれた者の運命(さだめ)
一投一打が 勝負のすべて
闘志をつくし 闘志をつくし
カープ カープ カープ
広島 広島 カープ

🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦
🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦

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