I want to leave this somewhere in the world

Giving my love to Amy Winehouse

I hope that everyone on this planet knows the greatness that you have Amy, and I hope that they cherish you. What the world lost when you were gone cannot be described in words or numbers.


picture source: https://www.musicmusingsandsuch.com/musicmusingsandsuch/2019/6/16/feature-female-icons-part-seven-amy-winehouse

It is hard to talk about a person that you appreciated and loved but didn’t know personally, and that person is not around to receive your love and appreciation anymore. I was little when I first listen to her songs, and somehow I didn’t get to pay my full respect to her. I wish I could have the possibility to know her personally. I don’t know why, but the best people die first and most of them die young. I don’t think that writing about her life here in this article has any sense because there are so many articles and documentaries, movies about her life and much more than this, I didn’t know her personally and it doesn’t seem right for common people to talk about the life and death of illustrious personalities.


source for picture: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/features/amy-winehouse-death-anniversary-photos-songs-back-black-a8459876.html

I want to take off my chest the fact that I love who and what Amy is. Last night I was listening to her songs and crying till 4 am. I really love her, because somehow she has a mother-like figure to her, attitude and intensity of a mother, of a woman that loves because that's what a mother does, this is what Amy Winehouse represents to me. I hope that she will receive the love and appreciation she deserves wherever she is right now. I felt that she didn’t felt loved, sincerely loved, or that the love that she received wasn’t the one that she needed. In one of her songs, she is saying “He walks away the sun goes down”, do you think about how much you have to love someone in order to feel that when they are walking away the sun sets, about how much this stunning lady had to love someone in order to feel like this….
I couldn’t love someone so much and it’s not because I don’t want to, but because most people lack intensity in their feelings.
Amy has a distinctive facial appearance, long strong facial bones, an aquiline nose, big green eyes, short eyebrows, big soft lips, and a smile that melts you. Her moves are always feminine, her body is well built and her voice has many worlds in it. Youthful personality that could fill the energy in a room full of people.

A sui generis voice that took you to different dimensions from song to song. There is not a single voice in the whole Universe that makes me feel the way her voice does.
My auditory cortex absorbs her voice with avidity, my soul absorbs her energy with pleasures. I hope that when we all die our energies meet and emerge into a celestial composition, the same composition your songs have, my beloved Amy.

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