"Sappy" - Nirvana cover with guitar solo [ENG|ESP]

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First of all, a warm greeting to the entire Hive community! especially to all music lovers! a passion we have the privilege and joy of sharing on this platform

Antes que nada un cordial saludo a toda la comunidad de Hive! en especial a todos los amantes de la música! una pasión que tenemos el privilegio y el placer de poder compartir en esta plataforma.

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Dear hive music lovers! I am very pleased to greet you again to bring you more musical content made exclusively for hive and with that love for music that characterizes us in this community.

Today I bring you a cover of one of the artists who was a fundamental influence on me and many other young people from the 90's worldwide, it is Kurt Cobain, leader of Nirvana, one of the bands with which my love for rock music was born, a love that lasts to this day, I've wanted to do a cover of this song for a long time but for some reason I always chose to perform another song, this time I decided to record it and I'm happy with the result. This is a special song for me, the first time I heard it and saw its video it made a strong impression on me, I think it conveys a deep melancholy, undoubtedly highlighted by Cobain's particular voice.

Talking a little more about the technical aspect of the video, I decided, as I have done in other recent works, to add a second guitar with the video editor to incorporate the guitar solo, I really like the guitar solo of this song, I think very expressive, and although my version is not exactly the same I wanted to keep the essence of the original solo, I also added a touch of "delay" to make it more interesting. I also decided to experiment with adding a "low pass" and "high pass" to the sound effects to try to remove excessive noise, and I think I had a positive result. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy the video! A big greeting, see you in a next publication!

i want to tag some friends i think may like this @nahupuku @naradamoon @hanselmusic @fernanblog @sunsethunter @cesaramos @onos-f @celticheartbeat @ksam @jesusmedit @magicfingerz

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¡Queridos hivers amantes de la música! me complace enormemente saludarlos nuevamente para traerles más contenido musical hecho exclusivamente para hive y con ese amor por la música que nos caracteriza en esta comunidad.

Hoy les traigo un cover de uno de los artistas que fué una influencia fundamental en mí y un muchísimos otros jóvenes de los 90's a nivel mundial, se trata de Kurt Cobain líder de Nirvana, una de las bandas con las que nació mi amor por el rock, un amor que perdura hasta el día de hoy, Desde hace tiempo quería hacer un cover de esta canción pero por alguna razón siempre escogía interpretar otro tema, esta vez me decidí a grabarlo y he quedado contento con el resultado. Esta es una canción especial para mí, la primera vez que la escuché y vi su video me causó una fuerte impresión, pienso que transmite una profunda melancolía, sin duda resaltada por la particular voz de Cobain.

Hablando un poco más acerca del aspecto técnico del vídeo, decidí, como he hecho en otros trabajos recientes, añadir una segunda guitarra con el editor de vídeo para incorporar el solo de guitarra, me gusta mucho el solo de guitarra de esta canción, me parece muy expresivo, y aunque mi versión no es exactamente igual quise mantener la esencia del solo original, además añadí un toque de "delay" para hacerlo más interesante. También decidí experimentar añadiendo un "low pass" y "high pass" a los efectos de sonido para tratar de eliminar el ruido excesivo, y creo que logré un resultado positivo. sin más que agregar ¡espero que disfruten el vídeo! ¡Un gran saludo, nos vemos en una próxima publicación!

quiero etiquetar a algunos amigos que creo que les puede gustar @ nahupuku @ naradamoon @ hanselmusic @ fernanblog @ sunsethunter @ cesaramos @ onos-f @ celticheartbeat @ ksam @ jesusmedit @ magicfingerz

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And if you save yourself
You will make him happy
He'll keep you in a jar
And you'll think you're happy
He'll give you breathing holes
And you'll think you're happy
He'll cover you with grass
And you'll think you're happy now
You're in a laundry room
You're in a laundry room
The clues that came to you, oh
And if you cut yourself
You will think you're happy
He'll keep you in a jar
Then you'll make him happy
He'll give you breathing holes
Then you'll think you're happy
He'll cover you with grass
Then you'll think you're happy now
You're in a laundry room
You're in a laundry room
The clues that came to you, oh
You're in a laundry room
You're in a laundry room
The clues that came to you, oh
And if you fool yourself
You will make him happy
He'll keep you in a jar
Then you'll think you're happy
He'll give you breathing holes
Then you will seem happy
You'll wallow in the shit
Then you'll think you're happy now
You're in a laundry room
You're in a laundry room
You're in a laundry room
The clues that came to you, oh

Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Kurt Cobain
Letra de Sappy © BMG Rights Management

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Watch on Youtube

Ver en Youtube

Original version

Versión original

A big salute to Mr.@ylich @eugelys and his team for his support and great work on this community

Un gran saludo a Mr.@ ylich @eugelys y su equipo por su apoyo y gran trabajo en esta comunidad.

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image by : @juliopalomo

Follow me! / sígueme! @juliopalomo

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