Cocaine is a song composed by J.J. Cale, and interpreted by Eric Clapton in his album Slowhand in 1977.

Clapton recorded the song Cocaine a year after it was composed by J.J. Cale. Clapton has recorded several songs by Cale, including "After Midnight" and "Travelin' Light".


"Cocaine" is a song that is against drugs, and not in favor, as many people think. Eric Clapton once said that it is useless to intentionally write a song that is against drugs and wait for people to grasp the meaning. So it's better that it leads to reflection.
If you listen to the song it sounds like a song about cocaine, but if you listen carefully, it is cleverly anti-cocaine. After several years, Clapton decided to add to the lyrics of the song the phrase: 'that dirty cocaine' in his live performances to highlight the song's anti-drug message. In addition, Clapton donated a good part of his funds to the Crossroads Centre, a center where they help drug addicts fight to stop using drugs and rehabilitate themselves.

In short, the song simply talks about drug addiction and how young people can destroy their own lives with drugs.

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