"Disfruto" Carla Morrison. Cover @itzchemaya... Mi regalo esperado💖te amo sobrino hermoso😍



Hola Hivers Feliz Viernes 🎉✨🎶🌸🥰
Hoy quería hablarles de las diversas sensaciones que algunos temas nos producen y de que manera experimentamos una conexión especial con ellos.
Por mucho tiempo y a petición de algunas personas tuve que aprenderme un tema de Carla Morrison titulado "Disfruto", honestamente, conectar con el, pensando en el amor de pareja, pues me era algo difícil, tal vez porque lo veía algo sumiso u obsesivo en su letra y me daba un poquito de caspa emocional 🤭😬.

Hi Hivers Happy Friday 🎉✨🎶🌸🥰
Today I wanted to talk to you about the various sensations that some themes produce in us and in what way we experience a special connection with them.
For a long time and at the request of some people I had to learn a song by Carla Morrison titled "Disfruto", honestly, to connect with it thinking about love as a couple, it was a little difficult for me, maybe because I saw it as something submissive or obsessive in its lyrics and it gave me a little bit of emotional dandruff 🤭😬.

Luego empecé a trasladarlo a la sensación de ser madre, y lo hermoso y grande de ese sentimiento, dónde solo hay una entrega total y devota por una extensión de ti, que va creciendo ante tus ojos y tu solo quieres estar acurrucandole en tus brazos, arrullandole y protegiéndole siempre.
Solo mirarle y ver su sonrisa hace que el alma se ilumine y todo esté en paz.
De esa manera pude dejar que la musa fluyera cada vez que lo interpretaba.

Then I started to transfer it to the feeling of being a mother, and how beautiful and great that feeling is, where there is only a total and devoted surrender for an extension of you, that is growing before your eyes and you just want to be cuddling him in your arms, cooing and protecting him always.
Just looking at him and seeing his smile makes the soul light up and everything is at peace.
That way I could let the muse flow every time I played it.


Tal vez muchos se preguntarán, por qué no puedo conectar con este tema, pensando en un amor de pareja.
Si bien es cierto que soy bastante cariñosa y tierna, mi espacio personal es demasiado importante, mi individualidad como mujer y la sensación de tener libertad es algo que por los momentos no es negociable.
Pasa que muchas veces no sabemos amar, sin poseer, sin esa necesidad absurda de ahogar y asfixiar el amor.
Hey, ni crean que no pasé por esos baches, de esos amores desesperados, pero el tiempo en su sabiduría, enseña a calmar las aguas.

Perhaps many will ask themselves, why I can't connect with this topic, thinking about a couple's love.
Perhaps because although it is true that I am quite affectionate and tender, my personal space is too important, my individuality as a woman and the feeling of having freedom is something that at the moment is not negotiable.
It happens that many times we don't know how to love, without possessing, without that absurd need to drown and suffocate love.
Hey, don't even think that I didn't go through those potholes, those desperate loves, but time in its wisdom, teaches to calm the waters.


El amor se cultiva con el tiempo, disfruta la calma y sobrevive a las tormentas, está allí con o sin el maquillaje, en los momentos de alegría como en los de desesperanza, no es un ejercicio de poderes, es una justa balanza que te arropa y que te guarda.
Es honesto, es valiente, es justo y delicado.
Es tierno y a la vez apasionado.
Es fuego que transforma y agua que sana.
Que te deja ser libre, que no te daña.

Love is cultivated over time, it enjoys the calm and survives the storms, it is there with or without makeup, in moments of joy and despair, it is not an exercise of powers, it is a fair balance that wraps you and keeps you.
It is honest, it is brave, it is fair and delicate.
It is tender and at the same time passionate.
It is fire that transforms and water that heals.
It lets you be free, it does not harm you.

"Disfruto" es un tema que le canto a la maternidad, a la vida, a la música.
Tanto así, que una de mis hermanas me pidió que le grabara el tema y se lo enviara, porque hace unos días tuvo a mi pequeño y hermoso sobrino, diciéndome que lo arrullaba con esa canción.
Cómo no complacer a mi hermanita, que tanto extraño y tanto quisiera tener cerca, sobre todo en estos momentos tan únicos, cómo la llegada de un bebé tan esperado en la familia.
Dios ha Sido tan maravilloso que después de tanto intentar ella logró cumplir su sueño de ser madre 🌸😍.
El día de su cumpleaños, estuvo en el hospital y al día siguiente llegó mi guapo sobrino para decirle que la torta era y será siempre para los dos 🌸🤭😍🤗🥰✨.
Estar tan lejos no es fácil, mamá y yo estuvimos días sin dormir, solo orando por ella y su esposo para que todo saliera bien, bajo esta distancia que golpea tanto.
Pero nuestro regalo llegó perfecto y precioso a llenarnos la vida de más amor y más fe, acortando distancias y kilómetros, uniendonos en un sentimiento de amor tan exponencialmente grande que no sería posible cuantificarlo.
Y hoy ese motivo tan genuino y bonito, me permitió compartirla con ustedes.

"Disfruto" is a song that I sing to motherhood, to life, to music.
So much so, that one of my sisters asked me to record the song and send it to her, because a few days ago she had my beautiful little nephew, telling me that she lulled him with that song.
How could I not please my little sister, who I miss so much and would like to have so much, especially in these unique moments, like the arrival of a baby so long awaited in the family.
God has been so wonderful that after trying so hard she managed to fulfill her dream of being a mother 🌸😍.
On her birthday, she was in the hospital and the next day my handsome nephew arrived to tell her that the cake was and will always be for both of them 🌸🤭😍🤗🥰✨.
Being so far away is not easy, mom and I were days without sleep, just praying for her and her husband that everything would be ok, under this distance that hits so hard.
But our gift arrived perfect and precious to fill our lives with more love and more faith, shortening distances and kilometers, uniting us in a feeling of love so exponentially big that it would not be possible to quantify it.
And today that genuine and beautiful motive allowed me to share it with you.




(Carla Morrison)
Me complace amarte
Disfruto acariciarte
Y ponerte a dormir
Es escalofriante
Tenerte de frente
Hacerte sonreír
Daría cualquier cosa
Por tan primorosa
Por estar siempre aquí
Y entre todas esas cosas
Déjame quererte
Entrégate a mí
No te fallaré
Contigo yo quiero envejecer
Quiero darte un beso
Perder contigo mi tiempo
Guardar tus secretos
Cuidar tus momentos
Esperarte, adorarte
Tenerte paciencia
Tu locura es mi ciencia
Disfruto mirarte
Cada movimiento
Un vicio que tengo
Un gusto valorarte
Nunca olvidarte
Entregarte mis tiempos
No te fallaré
Contigo yo quiero envejecer
Quiero darte un beso
Perder contigo mi tiempo
Guardar tus secretos
Cuidar tus momentos
Esperarte, adorarte
Tenerte paciencia
Tu locura es mi ciencia
Quiero darte un beso
Perder contigo mi tiempo
Guardar tus secretos
Cuidar tus momentos
Esperarte, adorarte
Tenerte paciencia
Tu locura es mi ciencia

Fuente: Disfruto-Carla Morrison

Video Oficial/ Official Video

(Carla Morrison)
I'm pleased to love you
I enjoy caress you and put you bedtime
It's spooky
Having you face to face, making you smile
I would give anything
For such exquisite, for always being here.
And for all of that things
Let me love you, surrender to me
I won't fail you
I want to get old with you
I want to give you a kiss
Waste my time with you
Keep your secrets
Save your moments
Hug you
Wait for you , adore you
Have patience for you
Your lunacy is my science
Ah ah ah ah
Ph oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh
Uh uh uh uh
Ph oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh
I enjoy look at you
Each move
A vice that I have
A pleasure to value you
Never forget you,
Give you my time
I won't fail you
I want to get old with you
I want to give you a kiss
Waste my time with you
Keep your secrets
Save your moments
Hug you
Wait for you , adore you
Have patience for you
Your lunacy is my science
I want to give you a kiss
Waste my time with you
Keep your secrets
Save your moments
Hug you
Wait for you , adore you
Have patience for you
Your lunacy is my science
Ah ah ah ah
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh
Uh uh uh uh
Uh uh uh uh
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh

Posdata : Las fotos y video son de mi propiedad, Los GIF de PEAKD y TENOR .
video editado en CapCut e Inshot, La traducción al inglés es cortesía de DeepL.

Posdata : Photos and video are my property, GIFs by PEAKD and TENOR .
video edited in CapCut and Inshot. The English translation is courtesy of DeepL.


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