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Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends

This song

Is currently my ten years old son's favorite tune. No, he doesn't know the meaning of the lyrics - yet.

It's one of my favorite songs too.

I love my son. I don't always like his taste for music yet this time he got it right :)

A musical version of the song.

How did he get to know the song? Several weeks ago we were at the concert of guitar class of the local music school. A girl named Meta played the song and I wrote about it in the article.

At the time I didn't realize that my son has likened the song so much.

Yet; I am reiterating the tune. I do have other songs on my mind that I want to share with you. Yet, this one stands out currently. It's on in my head when I wake up.

This post is also an entry to the Share your TUNES and WIN the post earnings! contest by @jaynie. Join it, will you?

Cover image

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