Autumn in New York by Vernon Duke. Ernesto Robles.

Autumn in New York by Vernon Duke

Nunca he pasado un otoño en New York, confieso que me encantaría, pero hasta ahora solo tengo este espectacular jazz-standard compuesto por Vernon Duke un americano nacido en Rusia el cual sus obras han sido versionadas por cientos de artistas, tanto instrumentistas como cantantes, desde Charlie Parker hasta Diana Krall.
En cada nota que toqué dejé un pedazo de mi alma, no pude hacer más, son de esos temas que exigen aliento de vida.

Autumn in New York by Vernon Duke

I have never spent an autumn in New York, I confess that I would love to, but so far I only have this spectacular jazz-standard composed by Vernon Duke, an American born in Russia whose works have been covered by hundreds of artists, both instrumentalists and singers, from Charlie Parker to Diana Krall.
In each note I played I left a piece of my soul, I couldn't do more, they are one of those songs that demand a breath of life.

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