Sara Holgado - New Album (2024): Invierno (Winter) [Eng-Esp]; on ttt


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Invierno [ Winter translated from Spanish ] is a flurry of solitude and embraces with no one. [...] Winter is black and white, although sometimes it dreams in red, so watery, empty and inoffensive. An unforgivable 'red caprice'.
Returning to winter... It is soft, tender, white-haired, with a big laugh.


I dedicate this work to my father and my mother”.

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 Sara Holgado. Taken from the booklet of the album “Invierno” (2024).

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Carta (murciana y levantica) - Sara Holgado INVIERNO en directo


Lyrics translated from Spanish (click here!)


The dovecote of letters
opens its impossible flight
from the trembling tables
where memories rest,
the weight of absence,
the heart, the silence.

I hear a heartbeat of letters
navigating towards its center.

Where I go, with women
and with men I encounter,
wounded by absence,
worn out by time.

Letters, relationships, letters:
postcards, dreams,
fragments of tenderness,
projected in the sky,
thrown from blood to blood
and from desire to desire.

Even though beneath the earth
my beloved body lies,
write to me on the earth
and I will write to you.

In a corner old letters fall silent,
old envelopes hush,
with the color of age
over the writing placed.
There perish the letters
full of shudders.
There the ink agonizes
and the sheets grow faint,
and the paper riddles
like a brief cemetery
of past passions,
of loves to come.

Even though beneath the earth
my beloved body lies,
write to me on the earth,
and I will write to you.

When I am about to write to you
the inkwells stir:
the cool black inkwells
turn red and tremulous,
and a clear human warmth
rises from the black depths.
When I am about to write to you,
my bones will write to you:
I write to you with the indelible
ink of my feeling.

There goes my warm letter,
dove forged in fire,
with both wings folded
and the address in the middle.
A bird that only seeks,
for nest and air and sky,
flesh, hands, your eyes,
and the space of your breath.

And you will stay naked
within your feelings,
without clothing, to feel it
fully against your chest.

Even though beneath the earth
my beloved body lies,
write to me on the earth
and I will write to you.

Yesterday a letter remained,
abandoned and ownerless,
flying over the eyes
of someone who lost their body.
Letters that remain alive
speaking to the dead:
yearning, human paper,
without eyes that can see.

While the fangs grow,
I feel the faint voice of your letter
ever closer,
like an immense cry.
I will receive it asleep,
if not possible awake.
And my wounds will be
the spilled inkwells,
the mouths quivering
from recalling your kisses,
and with their unheard-of voice
they will repeat: I love you.

Miguel Hernández

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

Miguel Hernández: lyrics

Sara Holgado: voice and adaptation

Tino van der Sman: arrangements and guitar

David Chupete: percussions

Juan Miguel Guzmán: double bass and mixing

Alfonso Camacho: video

Recorded by Alfonso Espadero

Tempo Estudios (Sevilla)

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 This is my participation in #threetunetuesday; #ttt, an idea by @ablaze, whom I sincerely thank for welcoming me into this initiative so kindly. I also want to thank the sponsors of this idea for supporting #ttt. My greetings to all who participate in this great proposal: sharing three music videos every Tuesday.

 “Invierno” (Winter) is the first album of the singer Sara Holgado. About this work, the author tells us that it was born in 2017. Suffering a pause during the consensual.



 During this period, the COVID era, she lost her parents, who died of cancer during the winter of 2022. In that tragic outcome, Holgado left everything to devote herself exclusively to their care.

 When Sara Holgado takes up the project again, the sense of it had changed, the artist tells us.

 The album cover is painted in black and gray. A close-up of the artist with her eyes closed is explained by her: “it is a look inside”. A work of search between gloom of sadness and light of hope.

 It hasn't been that long since another set of melodies intimidated me with such beauty. Sandra Carrasco did it with “Recordando a Marchena”. One night, in a dream, her recently deceased father appeared and asked her for a record dedicated to the “master of masters”, the enormous Pepe Marchena.

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DUELO (bulerías) - disco INVIERNO de Sara Holgado


Sara Holgado: voice, lyrics and music

Alejandra Pizarnik: lyrics

Salvador Gutiérrez: guitar

Gastón Joya: double bass

David Chupete: percussions

Laura Marchal: backing vocals

Recorded, mixed and mastered by Curro Ureba at Trafalgar Studios

Video: Alfonso Camacho

Album produced by Sara Holgado and Yannick Corre

Photography by Fredrik Gille.

Layout by Sara Holgado.

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 It is inevitable that the skin, the entrails, the ear, ...., listen with the filter of what has been lived. In my case, in “Invierno” I also listen to my absences, my longing for what is not present.

 However, “Invierno” is full of warmth, it is a beautiful album, full of poetry, crystalline, transparent. I get emotional when I listen to it, not because of the absences, but because of the memory of what was there. For those beings, that although they are no longer here, with their gaze they granted me the miracle of life, mine.


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DE PAZ Y DE GUERRA - disco INVIERNO de Sara Holgado


Lyrics translated from Spanish (click here!)

From peace and war

In the serene hand that in a wave gesture

In a musical statue shapes the air.

In the twisted hand that in a cold of ice

The wall of time with deep cries scratches.

In the feverish hand that in a sweat of flame

Turns everything it touches into ashes.

In the silk hand that in a wing caress

Opens dreams like water sources.

In your hand of peace, in your hand of war,

If love has already been born, sorrow nests.

José Saramago

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

Lyrics by José Saramago

It is a version of the singer-songwriter Luis Pastor

Voice, arrangements and piano: Javier Galiana

Percussions: David León

Recorded at Trafalgar Studios by Francisco Ureba

Produced by Sara Holgado and Yannick Corre

Photography by Fredrik Gille

Layout by Sara Holgado

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 The album was recorded at Estudios Trafalgar (El Palmar, Cádiz), Estudios SantaMaría (El Puerto de Santa María), Estudio 335 (Sevilla). It has counted with musicians of first line. The production has been in charge of Sara Holgado, Yannick Corre has been in charge of the co-production; behind the mixing and mastering of the album is Curro Ureba.

 If musically the album is a delight, do not miss the lyrics of: Saramago, Tito Muñoz, Miguel Hernández, Alejandra Pizarnik and, also, of Sara Holgado.

 Frederik Gille is responsible for the cover, that wonderful cover.

Thank you for reading this far.



Nuevo disco de Sara Holgado - Invierno


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Invierno es una ráfaga de soledad y abrazos sin nadie. [...] El invierno es blanco y negro, aunque a veces sueñe en rojo, tan acuoso, vacío e inofensivo. Un imperdonable «capricho rojo».

Volviendo al invierno... Es suave, tierno, de pelo blanco, con una gran risa.

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Dedico esta obra a mi padre y a mi madre.

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 Sara Holgado. Extraído del libreto del álbum: Invierno (2024).


Carta (murciana y levantica) - Sara Holgado INVIERNO en directo


Miguel Hernández: letra

Sara Holgado: voz y adapatación

Tino van der Sman: guitarra y arreglos

David Chupete: percusión

Juan Miguel Guzmán: contrabajo y mezcla

Alfonso Camacho: video

Grabado por Alfonso Espadero

Tempo Estudios (Sevilla)

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 Esta es mi participación en #threetunetuesday; #ttt, una idea de @ablaze, a quien agradezco sinceramente que me haya acogido en esta iniciativa tan amablemente. También quiero agradecer a los patrocinadores de esta idea por apoyar #ttt. Un saludo a todos los participantes de esta gran propuesta: compartir tres vídeos musicales cada martes.

Invierno es el primer disco de la cantante Sara Holgado. Sobre este trabajo, la autora nos dice que nació



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en 2017. Sufriendo una pausa durante el confinamiento.

 Durante ese periodo, la era COVID, perdió a sus padres, que fallecieron de cáncer durante el invierno de 2022. En ese trance con desenlace trágico, la hija Holgado lo dejó todo para dedicarse en exclusiva al cuidado de ellos.

 Cuando Sara Holgado retoma el proyecto, el sentido de éste había cambiado, nos dice la artista.

 La portada del disco está pintada de negro y gris. Un primer plano de la artista con los ojos cerrados es explicado por ella: “es un mirar hacia adentro”. Un trabajo de búsqueda entre penumbras de tristeza y luces esperanza.

 No ha transcurrido tanto tiempo desde que otro conjunto de melodías me intimidó por tanta belleza. Lo logró Sandra Carrasco con “Recordando a Marchena”. Una noche, en un sueño, se apareció su padre recientemente fallecido, y le reclamó un disco dedicado al “maestro de maestros”, al enorme Pepe Marchena.

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DUELO (bulerías) - disco INVIERNO de Sara Holgado


Sara Holgado: voz, letras y música

Alejandra Pizarnik: letras

Salvador Gutiérrez: guitarra

Gastón Joya: contrabajo

David Chupete: percusión

Laura Marchal: voz

Grabado, mezclado y masterizado por Curro Ureba en Estudios Trafalgar

Video: Alfonso Camacho

Album producido por Sara Holgado y Yannick Corre

Fotografía: Fredrik Gille

Diseño: Sara Holgado

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 Es inevitable que la piel, las entrañas, el oído …, escuchen, con el filtro de lo vivido. En mi caso, en “Invierno” también escucho mis ausencias, mi anhelo de lo no presente.

 Sin embargo, “Invierno” está lleno de calidez, es un disco precioso, pleno de poesía, cristalino, transparente. Me emociono al escucharlo, no por la ausencias, sino por el recuerdo de lo que hubo. Por esos seres, que aunque ya no están, con su mirada me otorgaron el milagro de la vida, la mía..


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DE PAZ Y DE GUERRA - disco INVIERNO de Sara Holgado


Letra: José Saramago

Versión del cantautor Luis Pastor

Voz, arreglos y piano: Javier Galiana

Percusion: David León

Grabado en Estudios Trafalgar por Francisco Ureba

Producido por Sara Holgado and Yannick Corre

Fotografía: Fredrik Gille

Diseño: Sara Holgado

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 El álbum se grabó en los Estudios Trafalgar. (El Palmar, Cádiz), Estudios SantaMaría (El Puerto de Santa María), Estudio 335 (Sevilla). Ha contado con músicos de primera línea. La producción ha estado a cargo de Sara Holgado, Yannick Corre se ha ocupado de la coproducción; detrás de la mezcla y el masterización del disco se encuentra Curro Ureba.

 Si musicalmente el disco es una delicia, no hay que perderse las letras de: Saramago, Tito Muñoz, Miguel Hernández, Alejandra Pizarnik y, también, de Sara Holgado.

 De la portada, la maravillosa portada, el responsable es Frederik Gille.

Gracias por leer hasta aquí.


Banner edited with Canva pro and cropped with


Avatar created with IA Ideogram.


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Text translated from my native language Spanish to English with Deepl.

All videos taken from youtube.

All images are taken from Pixabay and edited with Gimp.






Lyrics translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

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