Jamming - Ed Privat (cover)

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Hey let's go record "This Woman's Work" today!


Why are the chicks following me?

Is it because I am wearing a brown jersey? Do they think I am their mum?


All right leave me alone now, I really have to record.



This "woman's work" is a tough song. It's all high up there, with the falsetto and shit, I need to catch my breath on each sentences. What the hell am I wearing?
And what's wrong with the ponytail? I am setting that camera shot also, and there's so much green around me. At first, it was really pleasant, but now every fucking video starts looking like a Mumford and Sons music video, I really have to find different motifs.


The nanny has been sick, then the kids were sick, finally I feel like it's creeping on me. Normally I can hit that A like it's a G, but today it feels like a Gb, really really flat.

Man, this song is supposed to show my physical & technical prowess, but right now I'm ruining the song. I am trying to hit the "AAAAhh" but it ain't working.

Is it because my throat is sore? Why didn't I notice that my throat was sore until now...?

Now I need to go get the nanny again, am I a taxi or what?

I am going to leave all the equipment here, and try to record later....


Seriously though, did the chicken poop on the guitar?


I recorded 2 versions on that day. One of them was ok, the second one was good but then the camera did this:

Hnet.com-image (4).gif

In case you're asking yourself "what's wrong?", well the shot isn't centered, and I don't know where you've been raised, but there is no way in 2021 I am releasing something that isn't centered 😁


After a nice moment with my wife, when for the first time we spent some time together shopping without the kids, we haven't done that in years, we smoked a blunt and we started giggling in the shop like 2 teenagers, it was fun, I almost forgot about the song, we watched a nice sunset on the mountains.



I need to chill...

I can't get stressed out about a cover. I mean, I know Maxwell's version of "This Woman's work" is like up there, but you can't handle it yourself...It's a big song, what you put out there, it's for everyone to listen to, you don't wanna be the "dude that fucked up This Woman's Work". On any good day, you would have that song, easy peasy.
At the same time, now the throat is really sore, now it's Christmas, how about doing a song that you enjoy, something easy...
In my head ring those 3 words, WE'RE JAMMING.

Oh yeah...I know bob since, forever. It's so easy it's almost a cheat code... Merry Christmas to me.

Ed, do you remember the last time you played that song for your blockchain brothers and sisters?

The year was 2018, it was March the 3rd, you were fucking starving hahaha check this out:

Hnet-image (22).gif

Oh my god. I look so young...

Is this really me?

But I feel so different, I would even daresay I am a total different beast right now, but truth is, the core is here, that's for sure.
The audio, that you can't hear, doesn't really matter. I remember that day like it was yesterday. The walking stick that you see on my left, is the walking stick I had in SA, I was taking my dogs everyday, hoping for a better tomorrow; those long walks just thinking of our next videos, our next posts, our next moves. It all turned out ok for us eventually haha.

A few things happened between that Jamming and that Jamming, this place helped a lot in figuring out what I wanted to do.

Just remember, that what we're doing here together, hasn't been done before.

We're just a bunch of people with the same ideas, different aspirations, and what we're building together here, this blockchain, has never been done before, and in some ways, every single one of our votes, is building something. I don't even know exactly what we're doing here, maybe it's just an idea, but for now, ever since I cling on to that idea, good things happened.

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