All That Scratchin' Is Making Me Itch

Salute Hiveans!
With the covid lockdown lifted and life is somehow getting back to normal here in Kuala Lumpur hosting bi-weekly scratch DJ's community meetups has been going well and each time we do it more and new DJs from the scene show up which is amazing to see.

Since "The Adventures of Grand Master Flash" the early 1980s brought turntable to the attention of world renown musicians such as Herbie Hancock, Malcolm McLaren and more. Most Hip Hop songs in the 80s wouldn't sound complete if there wasn't scratching on it.

A big shout out to the originators and creators of this art DJs Kool Herc, Grand Master Flash, Afrika Bambaataa, and Grand Wizard Theodore who have helped open the door for the DJ and all the other Pioneers stepped forward and took the turntable to new levels in the musical realm.

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